I’m just here for the silly stew
I’m just here for the silly stew
Me and who?
You might be terminally straight. I’m so sorry
Except cis allies will stab us in the back the microsecond it’ll become slightly uncomfortable. We’re always on probation with them, and we have to be “the good, quiet, binary and unchallenging trans people” to deserve any allyship or support
i’m sorry you learned it that way
It seems to be a bolonese spada due mani, from late XV century, not a claymore
That’s some frenchcore right here
Swords historically have a ricasso. That’s the base part of the blade, and it generally isn’t sharpened, specifically to be able to use half-swording (having one hand on the grip and one on the blade). The hand on the blade is often at like 1/3 of the blade tho. It was used to stab into weak points of an armor with precision (since swords were pretty bad against armored foes). But also, half-swording is done by “pinching” the flat of the blade betweend the palm and the fingertips, in a way that prevents touching the sharpened thread. It isn’t shown on this (very historically accurate, if i may say so) image
Does it matter, tho? Does every trans person need to be defined by their assigned gender? Do they need to be inserted in a binary system?
After like 10 years of gentoo, i switched to nixos. It seems to improve even further my gamingboobs skills