That was my thought too
That was my thought too
I wish I could be as handsome when I make my awkward ass smile.
Literally met my wife on Tinder lol
A lot, but it didn’t last long. I have a tattoo that goes from hip to armpit and this hurt more, but it was like a fall or a punch; one and done. My body did go into shock and I threw up though.
As a cis male, I sit at home. I don’t trust public toilet cleanliness, so I’ll stand. Having a prince Albert does create some weird trajectories depending on flow rate so I tend to make a mess while standing.
Albanian? Are you sure it’s not Canadian?
You mean that thing I set down right there but has somehow transitioned into a different dimension?
You have to tighten the loose one to loosen the tight one. My fingers hurt just looking at it
I’m sorry but I saw the picture and immediately assumed she was Italian
That’s the one. The Long Game it is Simon Pegg
I don’t remember that villain from Dr Who, but it looks like Simon Pegg in that img
Shit up and take my money!
But seriously, I want that. Restoring one of those sounds like a lot of fun
Constitution saving throw. DC 18. 1d4 damage and smells of piss for 24 hours with disadvantage on stealth rolls due to smell on failure.
I’m happy if it’s not over 100!
I can’t wait for Fall. It is entirely too hot in Texas.
$355 for a single story is definitely no joke.
I use tap water and my old Gatorade bottles. I drink about a Gatorade a day so I only need to reuse the bottles once or twice.