In Japanese, Flareon is known as Booster. Let it be your emotional booster.
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In Japanese, Flareon is known as Booster. Let it be your emotional booster.
Mark my words: Office Online will “adopt” these advertising and cloud-save only features within 2 years.
(If this happens and I remember this comment I will try to link it).
I’ve been having thoughts about making something like Windows95入門ガイド except with Linux.
Be safe out there. Stand together. Call out reckless agitators. Hoping for the best from up here in Canada.
What’s new?
Anyways my top voted all time post was an OC meme about reposts.
The only update to the drama (as Steve already prepared a lengthy response in written form), is that investigative and advocacy videos similar to Honey, NZXT or ASUS will move to a new channel called Gamers Nexus Consumer Advocacy.
I think that even if it risks diminished reach, this is for the better. On the main channel Linus’ concerns for proper tech journalism can be assuaged. On the new channel, Steve can be as biased as he wants, for all our benefit. I just hope he doesn’t get burnt out running 2 channels simultaneously.
I hope enough Canadians with two braincells to put together will know better. An election is coming here soon, and Moneybags Musk is going to dump loads into bringing American foot-kissers into our Parliament.
McMAGA: Make Canada Make America Go Away.
If Google were to buy a dataset from WebMD, every AI answer would also include “and you have cancer btw”.
They are a company that makes thinky-sand.
First they realized that if they forced everyone to use their thinky sand at school, they could charge a massively inflated price.
Then they realized that if they made the thinky-sand go boom, they could charge whatever they wanted.
They’ve got,
Hey give us more credit, on Lemmy we also steer the conversation to Linux out of the blue!
They certainly haven’t earned it yet.
There’s always a bit of “no-true-leftist” dynamic within left-leaning circles. Vegans have gotten upset at each other for stuff like feeding their pets a diet with or without meat, boiling over into Fediverse drama (not trying to open that discussion here but just highlighting that it has been hotly debated). If we let small differences get in the way of big progress, of course conservatives will win and take us backwards because they will use any opportunity they get, and are somehow better at setting aside differences on unrelated issues than leftists. I don’t have much of a solution besides putting my focus and attention on issues that are more important to me, such as the class war over culture war stuff.
Call me a lib, but I occasionally agree with things conservatives say even if a lot more times I disagree. That doesn’t make me a conservative but there are some that act as if I was.
US healthcare for most free people is torture, and the “purpose” of imprisonment in the US appears to be torture, so prison healthcare was made to be the worst of both worlds.
Those are yucky comments anywhere other than an lemmynsfw community or a community with a suggestive name. I can’t glean much context from this screenshot of the post but in general, I believe horniness should be kept to horny online places.
We can and should do much better than that.
I’m not getting in unless it is piloted using an offbrand xbox controller.
Pour one out for the Titanic Memorial Iceberg
Yeah. From the outside it looks like a huge contest of “who can be the worst state” between MO, OK, AR, AL, LA, and MS. TN, FL and KS are occasional guest participants.
It would be just the same with Jill Stein or Chase Oliver as leader, Wall Street will benefit. There is obviously outsized influence of rich people in government, but big money makes money with money, doesn’t matter what the politics are.
It’s more important that A. The US doesn’t put a leader who has real plans to become dictator and the Project2025 yes-men lined up behind it, and B. The US chooses a leader who better represents the national interests of common people, which will not happen if too many would-be Harris voters choose 3rd party or abstains.
Watch until the end for the best part /s