They straight up stole this tweet the original author. Weak.
That’s what I thought as well. Simple really
I feel that too. It’s easy to misconstrue as anti nazi people getting pwned. Then again it’s really old nazis getting pwned by anti nazi musical director
exactly. here’s to eating paintchips
yeah! if black people can say it, I can say it to. It’s racist to not say the n word.
I see, in fact it would be racist not to say the n word
Born le wrong generussy
but what about?? hmm???
Wow, those are still way too high for car travel. I wonder how that’d compared to turkey, as they have 61% car travel but that’s not counting biking or walking.
Sweet link! These stats are really cool. Low car and high bus usage seem to be very linked to poorer (relatively) countries. High train usage in general seems to be much wealthier countries, yet those countries also have way more car usage. Also this is very incomplete without looking at bicycle usage, and walking of course. This makes the percentages even more misleading because it’s a percentage among sampled transportation modes
It’s fair to want to be optimistic and to want to fight against doomerism. I think OP was misguided at best.
To be fair, I don’t think I was as clear as I could have been either. It’s just that post just has smells of neoliberalism has fixed the world propaganda. These are the same kinda statistics they use to justify an immoral and unethical economic system. I think a lot of people agree and get slightly triggered seeing these same untrustworthy statistics paraded around.
in my wildest dreams
Ethical people hate this one trick!
the last two are easily debunked. I hate shit like this because it reinforces an idea that time = progress. There are influential and powerful people alive today who would reverse any of these trends if it meant money in their pocket.
koko says show nipples. she also says I have to be there and that you should let me bat them around a little
you ever try to checkmate with just a bishop and a knight? It’s torture!
This is super real and definitely happened.