Humulin, amlodipine, and cetirizine. But how did you know I stopped at the pharmacy after my bank trip?
Humulin, amlodipine, and cetirizine. But how did you know I stopped at the pharmacy after my bank trip?
This made me recall an odd bank related situation that happened to me a few weeks ago, and which I am still a bit perplexed by.
Due to a couple of things coming up, I needed to stock up on some bills of various denominations. Nothing all that crazy, in my opinion, 20 $1 bills, 20 $5 bills, stuff like that, a few hundred dollars at most. Where else do you get bills like that? The bank, I assumed.
When I got up to the teller, I explained that I needed to pull out X amount from my account, and I that I needed specific number of each denomination. She looked at me like I was asking something completely unheard of. She even told me, I don’t think I have the money for that as she shuffled through some drawers.
Eventually she asked another teller who told her she’d have to go to the central terminal (I don’t recall the actual name they used) and make a request for each denomination. So the teller walked across the back of the bank to a computer that looked like it was from the 80s. After about 10 minutes of typing, with multiple people helping her, 2 people came out from a room, walked over to a floor vault and opened it. While one pulled out the cash I requested, the other stood guard. It was surreal. They counted the money twice, the teller counted the money twice, and then finally came back to the counter and gave me the deposit. She seemed to be barely holding back her level of irritation at me.
All that for just a few hundred dollars in cash. It had me really wondering if I was mistaken about the role and services provided by banks and whether I was out of line for asking to receive specific denominations. Was I supposed to leave a tip or something?
Press D for them somersaults.
Why can’t they just make one universal standard format and then just stick to that in all systems rather than have 400 million random different incompatible file systems running around? Wouldn’t 400 million and 1 be better?
What I really need in my life right now is shiny, metallic, holographic rounded star-shaped stickers with perhaps slightly more humorous and/or pragmatic text written on them.
Honey, I live for this. Boo, bitch, boo.
Oh my my my, little pony.
I must confess, I still believe.
I appreciate you for acknowledging it.
I noticed that you didn’t bother to answer or either acknowledge my question, which makes me think you’re just being a troll. I would actually feel bad if you were legitimately upset by anything I said, for the record, but your responses leave me feeling like you’re just poking for an emotional response.
I’m not certain, either. I think some people are ignorant enough that they would take my statement as a personal insult, which it is absolutely not, in any way shape or form.
It is not a character flaw for someone to not have enough money to handle unpredictable expenses. But it is naive and/or ignorant to consider yourself in “good financial position” if you’re not in good enough shape to afford necessary transportation related expenses like car repairs or acquiring a new vehicle when the old one dies.
While I anticipated snark and/or sarcasm as a response, I feel that it’s totally unwarranted. I’m of the opinion that the amount of money I make is irrelevant here, so I would only ask: Why do you feel that’s relevant?
My statement is not a value judgement on anybody that can’t afford a car repair, so if that’s how you are interpreting what I said, that’s more of a reflection on yourself than on me.
I’d offer up myself but I’m already happily taken.
Not trying to be mean or snarky, but if car trouble is enough to put your “good financial position” in jeopardy, then I’m not sure I agree with you that you’re in a “good” financial position.
Are you single? I’ve got eligible male and female friends of all sexual persuasions that I’d love to introduce you to.
It’s 2025 and there are still way too many people who utterly refuse to understand that heterosexuality is a choice. Just kidding.
My experience with Pandora’s music recommendation is similar to yours. Pandora’s stations are significantly better at introducing me to new music that I like and playing older music that I prefer than any of the other common music services that I’ve tried. It’s night and day, honestly and makes me wonder why/how Spotify and Apple (among others) can be so terrible at it for so long. Pandora has basically always been great at that one thing.
Frogs™, it’s what’s for dinner.
With the price of furniture these days who can afford to sit anymore?
Eggs are so hard to find and so expensive where I live that we’ve started substituting wegovy for eggs in our recipes.