human interaction, mostly. I get a lot of my new music from a guy who scours bandcamp for stuff he likes as a hobby.
[he/they] not a real person
human interaction, mostly. I get a lot of my new music from a guy who scours bandcamp for stuff he likes as a hobby.
Tobe Howell
Thank bug
when the ad is even slightly louder than muted
That’s pretty intense. I like to think i’ve got a pretty similar attitude towards backstory and characterization, but I like to at least know what the character can do before hopping in
wait like, not as a metaphor but an actual cage match? Why-- actually nah, i’m all for it, sure. I’ll be rooting for cage to win.
That’s a perspective I haven’t heard before that makes the idea click, thank you.
I’ve never seen the point, personally. Maybe this is just one of the things i’m too poor to ever understand.
Thats really funny
You can pick a user out of the crowd and tell them they’re moderators now, but that doesn’t really mean they’re going to actually do the job. Reddit’s not paying anyone to do that, they have to be self-motivated
With WHO? Who’s gonna take over that wasn’t already part of the mod teams?
After a few days messing around with it and trying to get it to work in the ways that I want it to, I’m starting to think it feels like an upgrade. There are some serious barriers to entry that make it tough if you don’t know what you’re doing, but with Lemmy, my online experience is almost exactly the same as before, just without having a dedicated make-things-worse guy stinking the place up.
I’ve been poking around with Invidious lately, does anyone know if this’d be a counter to these blocks?
Oh shit, furry unlock without pre-reqs? those socks are cracked, gimme gimme