Imagine being the callibre of leader that is zelensky. Fighting a brutal war for 3 years then these two do nothing clowns talk down to you. The sooner the world is rid of the us shit stain, the better.
Imagine being the callibre of leader that is zelensky. Fighting a brutal war for 3 years then these two do nothing clowns talk down to you. The sooner the world is rid of the us shit stain, the better.
I think their culture has rotted away and died at this point. Half of them are either stupid or completely morally bankrupt and greedy. The other half is sitting there watching their country die and collapse completely helpless to do anything about it.
China gets asia, Russia gets Europe, us gets the America’s. Let 1984 commence.
Starting to look this way
Not gonna lie, china felt like the enemy a few months ago. Now they feel like the sane alternative to being allies with the us. Not saying they are the good guy, but certainly better than the us is.
Yeah but eventually it becomes impossible for other people to get their own capital other than their labor. At that point is it really capitalism anymore are evolution into something else?
They aren’t even capitalists anymore.
I dunno, do something. Anything really. You have a handful of the richest people on earth trying to turn your country into a tech monarchy that wants to have the ability to put its people in vr prisons or kill then outright if it becomes uneconomic to keep them alive. Your entire people should be in a fight or flight response. Literally attacking the government and trying to kill the billionaires. It’s that bad of a situation for you. This is the worst possible timeline. In 10 years I don’t think the us will be a democracy. I think it will be a dictatorship kept in power by some type of artificial intelligence run surveillance system. The average man will have less and less economic importance to the oligarchy meaning less and less power to stand up to them until eventually you have to value to them at all at which time they start killing you. This is a nightmare timeline you are in.
The fact I gotta wonder if people lit them on fire in they lit themselves on fire due to shitty design is telling of what kind of company it is.