Plot twist, it’s a preschool teacher with a toddler
Plot twist, it’s a preschool teacher with a toddler
I mean, is “hang more kulaks or you’ll be hanged for treason” really that bad of a plan?
The guy needs a speech bubble that says “Stalin did nothing wr-”
Which job are the owners not up to doing?
When you gotta maul toddlers but also you’re a dog about town
Beef stew for dinner again? Sweet!
Press button and dopamine comes out
It’s wild they call them velvet hippos when hippos are extremely dangerous and kill hundreds of people each year.
Looking for a trainer to work with my reactive staffie Daisy who is NOT AGGRESSIVE she just gets too excited around my toddlers!
My brain: “if you send it back they’ll spit in your food”
Might as well buy blood diamonds and clothes made by child slaves. No ethical consumption derp durrrr hurrrr I so smart
Bro just put oil in your gas tank ez pz