Democratic socialism is just less openly repugnant capitalism.
Democratic socialism is just less openly repugnant capitalism.
Those people looking for rent couldn’t possibly be rent seeking!
Yes, exactly. Did you read the comment I originally replied to which claims the opposite?
Selling the UK destroyers, arms, and ammunition.
Congress wasn’t so keen on taking a side until forced to.
But how else can a 14 year old show you they are cool?
Webp is superior to jpg and far smaller than png. Making a map tile that has transparency and is bigger than 20x20 grid squares leaves you the choice between a huge png or a tiny webp. VTTs like foundry have best practice guidelines re image sizes and formats and it is simply not possible to follow these using png unless the map in question is tiny, and if you ignore them and just go for a huge png your players may be faced with lag, longer loading times etc.
This is a bad argument, the telegraph reports something that someone said based on incomplete information at the time and suddenly their take is worth something because it agrees with your own views?
Yeah but that’s not how any of this works lol
The Soviet Union also invaded a democratic nation alongside the Nazis, proceeding to then steal half that country’s land and murdering a large number of ‘undesirables’.
Are you retarded or something?
Marginally better than tanks though right?
How about you fuck off with the racism?
Satisfied with positive lgbt portayals being illegal to broadcast are you?
“Communism never works out”
I fucking wonder why!