I was gonna find a fun obscure trope to link to but then I looked up and an hour had passed
I thought it said Transformers and I was like “why do they avoid mirrors?”
I never understood the arguments people use surrounding daylight savings. The health risks, accident risks, any risks surround the actual switch, not really the what time is used. If the clocks were set forward for “summer time” then 3 months later Daylight savings was abolished and no one changes their clocks anymore (as you said, permanent summer time) there would be no ill effects from it cause everyone was already used to the time change.
I want to get rid of daylight savings. I don’t care whether it’s standard time that use used or daylight savings time that is used as long as the switchover stops happening.
The geese are there to take back the rings.
I live in a very red part of Florida. They’ve all been pretty nice to me. Of course, I’m white, my baby is blonde haired and blue eyed, and I’m in the military. They usually get pretty surprised when I open my mouth and start spouting crazy commie stuff like Trans Rights are Human rights.
I worked with a guy that was a hard-core conservative, like just shy or real far-right talking points. Anyway he told me he doesn’t watch the news. Not that he only watches fox news, I mean he doesn’t watch any news at all. He gets his information from Facebook and tiktok
“Everyone I don’t like is a Communist” The Nazi’s guide to being GOP.
It’s a pejorative term to describe authoritarian Chinese government apologists. Historically it was used to describe communist members that defended the use of tanks against civilians during a Hungary uprising.
Ehhh… Doctors have a hell of a lot of administrative paperwork for each patient they have to do. That’s where the actual time goes. At least for Emergency Department doctors. I can’t speak to private practice docs.
You sound like a weird tomato version of Gaston.