Yeah, I once watched a video that explained that one part of Feng Shui is to create a room layout that does not block the flow of energy, but you just substitute “energy” with “where people walk” and suddenly is makes sense. You identify the most frequented locations of a room, draw walking pathways that lead to and from each location, and make sure that you don’t have anything blocking those paths.
Nothing revolutional, but I never thought about room design that way.
I literally started due to lemmy posts. I just went in order and watched TOS and TNG. Now I’m going through DS9. I’m really glad I did, because it’s amazing!
Exactly my experience. I often heard stories of vegans being like that, but I never ever saw it so I thought it was just made up to belittle vegans.
Then I joined lemmy and found out that I’m apparently in favour of massacres, slavery and rape because I consume meat/milk/eggs from time to time.
I imagine the vast majority of vegans just go about their lives and resprectfully discuss the ethics of animal consumption when the topic comes up, but these loud militant members really make vegans look bad and they sure as hell make it so that even less people consider going vegan
I always wonder with these whether they actually say something or someone posted just a bunch of random circles to screw around with people
The lemmy community “Fuck AI” literally has
A place for all those who loathe machine-learning
as a description.
Digamma was never pronounced as the sound ‘f’ according to that link. According to wikipedia, the first time Greek developed the labiodental ‘f’ sound was between the 4th and 15th centuries:
Sadly, ancient Greek didn’t have a sound corresponding to ‘f’. Θ was read as ‘t’ with a ‘h’ sound following it (something like how the Irish say “thank you”).
“Geralt, it’s me, Yennefer, you haven’t seen me in a long time and Ciri is back and in danger!”
“Oh wow, that’s the biggest thing that has happened to me in a long time, so I’m going to become the best gwent player in the north”
Swedish melodic black metal has moments like that. The melodies are so nice and lift the spirit, while the lyrics are about hating everything and wating to die
Insurance companies are the worst, I can’t believe that they’re even a thing. You give them money just in case you need some in an emergency, and they do their very best not to give you anything. The entire business model is: “You give us money, and we keep it”.
Seriously, chats and servers previously being as far away from the thumb as possible was a terrible design. The new one is much cleaner and simpler imo
Getting shafted with regards to schengen certainly didn’t help.
Redguards are from Yokuda, Nords are from Atmora, Imperials come from the Nedes and Bretons are a Nede/Aldmer mix. Each human race has a distinct origin, what’s controversial about that? They’re ‘human’ in the sense that they’re not Mer or Beastfolk.
But Nords have identical buffs/debuffs according to that sheet.
Jesus Christ how do people even come up with this?
In the past 10+ years, every time the current government had a scandal that received wider attention (they potentially have more scandals than the rest of Europe combined, and by “scandals” I mean the biggest marijuanna plantation in Europe being helped by the government, a Serb political leader in Kosovo getting killed to keep the control over the Serbs living there, a minister with a salary of 1300 euros buying a 250000 euro house after a month and a half, and then explaining that he went to his wife’s aunt in Canada to get most of the money, bringing back 9000€ by 9000€, which is why it wasn’t reported, etc), or if mass protests happen (as is currently the state), or the elections are nearing (which they are), they shake the Kosovo can and thus draw the attention away.
Pulling random events from memory: they sent a train with “Kosovo is Serbia” written on it, they sent a minister without permission so that he would get arrested, they ordered all Serbs to boycott the elections so that trouble would start when Albanians take office in Serb majority areas.
Of course, often times they get a crisis for free like when Kosovo decided to put a 100% tax on all Serb exports, when they unconstitutionally decided to form a Kosovo army, and by refusing to implement what they signed in 2013.
So as you can see, whenever the government needs free political points or to draw attention away, it has a plethora of options. So they proclaim how they will protect the Serbs, how the situation is very tense, they’ll march the police and army back and forth, and so on. But everyone in Serbia knows that if one armed person crosses the Kosovo border, the few Serbs that are left on Kosovo would be expelled again, and Serbia itself would get bombed to hell again. And as I said, there have been mass protests since may, elections are nearing, and the worst opposition in the world will potentially unite, and as soon as this government falls, I doubt 10% of them will escape prison, so they’re parading with the army to make it seem as if they’re relevant at all.
Official state propaganda said almost nothing about the latest incident, so they either really weren’t involved, or whatever they planned failed, in any case they obviously don’t know how to respond.
But people like them, no? Just to be clear, how people can enjoy autotuned mumbling about money and hookers is beyond me, but they are. Don’t know about other genres, but in metal you still have a lot of bands that make complex and beautiful music (especially in symphonic metal), but not as many people listen to that, and often not because they don’t know about alternatives. My own brother listens to mumble rap and other rappers that write lyrics that can be rearranged and you wouldn’t notice because the only thing they do is rhyme, without building up to anything, and it’s his choice, he likes listening to the same two songs in 50 variants.
It is very easy to find smaller bands that produce music with actual effort, and you can shove crappy music all you want to someone who doesn’t like it, and it won’t magically make them a fan, so the prevalence of autotuned simulations of strokes are due to people actually liking them, no?
I try not to judge these people too much because I myself often listen to extreme trve kvlt black metal which sounds like a vacuum cleaner to the uninitiated, so I tell myself that it’s something like that. I never convince myself of that, but I try.
I fought him so many times I practically memorized everything he can do and how to spot it. It’s a great fight because he’s essentially all the previous berserkers in one. Tye Valkyrie queen defeated me though. I did everything you can do in the game besides beating her.
But if waves transmit information, and the same information comes at all sides, won’t the signals that bounce off the reflector arrive after the waves with a direct line and thus transmit redundant information?
Eveyone needs it. Aristotle starts out his Nicomachean ethics stating that virtuous acts are first and foremost for the benefit of the virtuous person.
Platonic ethics should also really be taught widely, even more so than Aristotle’s because they’re easier to receive. Even if he has some hard to accept views such as that commiting injustice is worse than suffering it, everyone would benefit if children grew up with the notion that everyone does what they think best, and that those who do “wrong” things do so out of ignorance of what is good, rather than what we currently have where everyone knows what is objectively good, and those who don’t do it are willfully wrongdoers and you just need to punish them enough and they’ll become good.
Although you can have the best educational plans in the galaxy if the educarional system is crap. I don’t know about the rest of the world, but where I’m from all education from primary school to a master’s degree is just a bunch of information being thrown at you with 0 context and reasoning behind it, and when you’re able to reproduce that information on demand (without any context): congratz, you’re educated!
I honestly never heard that version given here for Serbia. We say “pistaći”.