Well you say that a Nazi-group stays a Nazi group even when they are fighting against an invader.
Does that work the same way for the Hamas? Once a terrorist group always one? Or are they a liberation army?
Well you say that a Nazi-group stays a Nazi group even when they are fighting against an invader.
Does that work the same way for the Hamas? Once a terrorist group always one? Or are they a liberation army?
If taken at face value it sounds pretty much the same as the Hamas being a freedom-fighting group
I have quite the strong stomach, but I nearly threw up my breakfast there - got thing I only had a coffee, much easier to hold in
Flensburg has the better beer though, so fight me
Are you aware that that is considered the bare minimum in a lot of law and finance related fields? And it’s not even a secret. So it doesn’t suprise me at all that a lot of lower income jobs are regularly sporting those numbers. And besides that, there are many people working 2 or more jobs. So if you are blind to that, well that is on you
Shell, an oil company, so what you see is a gas station
There have always been shows and movies that do it better and less “into-the-face” than others.
Though quite interestingly all of Hitler’s policies revolved around massive stimuli by the government -that were funded by debts, property of jews and other unwanted people and plundered territories.
This time around it’s all about cutting government expenses, yet the worse-off buy in.
I’m gonna steal this excuse and apply it to German (Doktor/Doktorin)
Are you aware how much a printed newspaper costs nowadays? Are you also aware how few have a newspaper subscription or buy them at a stand?
One time use though - for the vacuum cleaner and the house as well as the user
Actually now that I think about - excellent combo-deal
On your back obviously, do you even lift?
It is a crime to cross the Autobahn
It can already not be stealing since that requires the stolen object to be in fact a physical (and a moveable one at that) object. Stealing non-physical property does constitute a crime, but it’s not stealing.
Note: this is very specific to your country of origin and may not be true for your country or the applicable law in the case of international crime
Women are so good to me ist ein paar Jahre alt aber auch sehr schön geworden and I don’t have to go back and I don’t want it is what I said in my phone and the underlying question was not to be fair. (The German part in between translated to: “it’s (no gender included) a few years old but turned out beautifully”
Let then then, it’s nice and cool in the morgue and with some luck you can become an undead
That’s a noun hence Kapital is written with a capital K
You’re missing a "c, but I got you covered * hands a c *
Frankly speaking, I see no actual chance of communism or even just socialism happening in my lifetime, hence I’d rather focus my remaining brain capacity on something that actually seems feasible.
It is not a finite solution but it is what it is.
Russian men irl are NAFO Fellas?