Context: Pocket Pair is spreading their devs thin on three unfinished early access games (Craftopia, Palworld, Never Grave) and capital G Gamers are crying
I really hope Pocket Pair is in it for the long run and carefully manage their success to create new popular series. However, the cynic in me thinks they’re going to release as many titles in early access as they can before people realize none of them are ever being finished by the devs who are now multimillionaires and have no financial incentive to continue.
Unless they continue to make blunder for years to come, at this point i doubt they will fold. They already becoming one of the highest selling indie game within one month and made millions to last several years, they can just hire more.
And if they running out of money they can just fire everyone down to the core team and cancel the other game and focus on Palworld, write an “i’m sorry” essay, and continue their day.
Palworld is $30 on steam. It’s a litttle expensive for an indie game but I’ve gotten my money’s worth already. It’s not perfect but I wasn’t expecting a AAA title. Honestly I’m just impressed multiplayer works as well as it does. I also appreciate that they didn’t shoehorn any awful cutscenes in. No story > bad story. It also runs pretty great, even though my computer is older and I’m using proton/linux.
Compare Pokémon scarlet, $70. Laggy. Unpolished. Missing features from previous games. Unskippable cutscenes with characters just standing around talking to each other. Boring basic story. Nothing to do at the end of the game (no battle tower). No new fun features (the open world feels empty and ugly, compare BotW/TotK). It’s too open, there is no Mt Moon to get lost in.
Even if the team makes no further improvements I’m still having fun with palworld. I don’t see myself ever replaying scarlet.
Right, and is OP saying buying another Pokemon game will make gamefreak actually put effort in? Like why would it work the 10th time when it failed the first 9 times.
Gamefreak doesn’t put effort in because they don’t have to. Fans will continue to buy them regardless of quality.
Are you assuming I’m buying pokémon games?
I’m playing stuff I actually enjoy like Cassette Beasts. I’m hyped for the upcoming Beastieball too. I tried TemTem but it felt too much “Mobile” for me for a lack of better terms.
I’m pointing out that it’s funny to me that fans of Palworld got angry at the very thing Pokémon fans got angry at Gamefreak for (Namely, spreading their team thin on Little Town Hero)
Ahhh I misunderstood. in the palworld fans’ defense, I imagine gamefreak seeing a game that uses elements of their games but in an innovative way get a huge game l fanbase might convince them to change their strategy a little bit.
Fewer people buying Pokemon games would help as well, obviously, but if sales went down at the same time a game they see as a competitor gets real big, that might actually kick their butts in gear.
Yea I’m with sheeple
I don’t think my buying habbits are going to communicate anything to a company. I buy what looks fun to play. “Real” pokemon games look like a worse and worse buy, and that’s just how it is. I don’t expect them to change their development cycle at all.
At best, I hope Palworld’s (and cassette beast’s) success attracts better companies to make their own version. If this lights a fire under gamefreak’s butt I will be extremely (and happily) surprised.
Toxic fans find new straws to grasp at, majority of gaming population don’t care and keep having fun with new game. More news at 11
I’m 60 hours deep on Palworld less than two weeks in while maintaining a full-time job. I don’t buy games to make statements, I buy them because they’re fun to play. And this particular one really is a ton of fun to play. Yes, they’re clearly ripping off pokémon and breath of the wild and elden ring, and I’m sure a few other games. But it’s a lot of fun nonetheless.
Same, despite being in early access it’s already a lot of fun. Feels like the game that I wanted gamefreak to make but never did.
modern games have been underwhelmimg and too expensive for too long. my switch just sits unused in a corner, while i happily play games from my favourite franchises on my (hacked btw) 3DS.
although i imagine games like tears of the kingdom being great fun to play, i’m not paying 50€ for a physical copy.
I’ve also recently regressed to older games. It’s been FFVIII and Pokémon Heartgold for the past several months.
it’s impressive how bad pokemon games have gotten. i played sun/moon on 3DS (which isn’t even the best one on that system), and later sword/shield on switch. it’s just the exact same game with slightly better character customization and worse story.
i’m in the process of playing all ace attorney games because i’m just obsessed with that franchise. 3 of the 6 original games and a spinoff are on switch. the rest of the 11 games are playable on the 3DS, partly through emulation.
I am having lots of fun with Palworld, but through GamePass because I can’t bring myself to buy it. It didn’t sit right with me that the PC GamePass version of the game is lacking features that the Steam version has. This limits me to only playing with my one Xbox friend, but I don’t feel like buying yet another early access game.
How do you know its only one team working on several games instead of several teams?