It won’t stop smoking from destroying your respiratory and cardiovascular system. Enjoy your early age heart attack.
Yeah people think smoking only damages the lungs, but it’s multi-system destructive.
Yeah, a colleague smoked like crazy. Another was surprised when he has a heart attack. I made the remark about how much he smoked and he was surprised to learn the link.
Another colleague smoked like crazy and drank Coke like water. I’ve lost contact but leaned he passed away.
Some people really don’t take care of themselves.
So you’re saying, like, if people had kept on smoking, there would have been much more pressure on the medical research community to basically cure ALL the diseases and conditions that we can have?
I think we fucked up. I’m saying this almost unironically.
Also, it smells like ass, so even if it wasn’t harmful, smokers would still stink up everywhere they go.
You know what AMAZES me, too? Pipe and cigar smoke is actually really fragrant. Like, actually pleasant, if you ignore the fact that it’s still dangerous to your health. Especially the sort of pipe smoke that literally has fragrances added to it.
Buuuuut those forms of tobacco plummeted into tiny-niche percentages, when stanky-ass cigs started being manufactured in industrial quantities.
Ya my friend had his ligaments rip too easily because of excess smoking and caffeine the doctors think
I heard that in cases of severing injuries, non smokers are far more likely to be able to have it reattached versus smokers. Something to do with the lividity of the tissues
Is there any chance you remember where you learned it? This was the only source I was able to find (there may be more out there, and it’s from 2015… which was nine years ago, holy fuck that’s weird) and it doesn’t seem to confirm. Still, there were a bunch of other articles that came up about how smoking causes impaired wound healing (which would make me think it’d make it harder to reattach a finger, so I have no fucking clue lol), and obviously smoking is bad for plenty of other reasons too. TIL about the wound healing though, I didn’t realize how much smoking affects the whole body. Yikes.
To be clear, I heard this from a friend at an RV factory I work at. I didn’t take it as gospel but it did seem to make sense. I then went on to surmise a possible cause based on that assumption, but it’s probably not the most ethical thing to make it seem like I was speaking from authority.
It was never great.
Future COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder) patients now cancer free!
The New Zealand government is working to make smoking great again, cancer be damned…
After all, cancer is a problem for another administration.
(Several of the elected will probably be against a vaccine anyway)
Against WHICH cancer? Lung cancer? There are dozens of forms of cancer, one vaccine wouldn’t work for all of them.
You are forgetting about emphysema and every other smoking related illness.
My roommate (72 y/o, long-time smoker) had severe COPD. She’d faint without oxygen, she couldn’t leave the house for more than a few hours, which is how long her tanks lasted. I mean, it’s great that she made it to that age, but it sucked that she was sick so often. I knew her for ~6 months and watched her try and try to quit smoking. She did care about her health. And she didn’t want to die or be sick. She loved her life. She died from a sudden heart attack in November. I know that everyone dies and everyone gets sicker when they get old, but she would have been so much better off if she’d never become addicted.
I never realized how hard it could be to quit cigarettes before meeting her. This was a woman who had been on alcohol and hard drugs for years in the past and had gotten and stayed sober, but cigarettes were way more difficult for her.
It makes me so fucking angry at the people who profited off of her sickness and her death. Who advertised and lied and actively encouraged her to get addicted. I hate them. Nothing can undo the damage they did and nothing can bring her back. But if I could make them suffer for it, I would.
So that’s the list of people who would like to see cancer vaccines a reality!
Well yeah, smoking as a whole is in global decline. They need someone to buy their products.
No. Don’t be stupid because doing the opposite seems cool. Every generation keep doing this and they blow a decade learn