My problem isn’t with lactose its with stuff labeled lactose free. These products still contain lactose they just add the lactase enzyme that lactose intolerant people have trouble creating. That added lactase often upsets lactose tolerate people’s stomach. These products should be called lactase added not lactose free… Cannibis leads to internet rabbit holes.
Oh my god you’re right… There are so many misleading advertisements these days
I have no patience for lactose, and I won’t stand for it.
Plbbbbb tolerates plbbbbb continues to tolerate that tasty tasty ice cream plbbbbbb
So much for the tolerant left.
I mean, what you gonna do? Just not eat mountains of cheese? Lol, as if.
The paradox of lactose intolerance is that, if everyone is tolerant of lactose intolerance, eventually we’ll all be lactose intolerant after drinking only lactaid