During the strike actors arent supposed to promote any projects, Stallone had been actively promoting his project and not just that but filming a promo for the NFL on fox. Doing work during a strike makes you a scab, its not that hard to understand.
Who else will fall for propaganda (not saying this is that) unless a source or more info is given?
Idk… I’m fine with political memes, but a source should be included…OP should leave a comment after posting with more info.
I’m not a Stallone fan at all, have no bias towards him. And that’s my goal, is to retain an unbiased opinion on this stuff. I could google it but then so does everyone else, some of which won’t.
Here’s a source I found, maybe it will help someone else. You’re welcome OP. Maybe next time do this yourself.
What’s the problem? Good faith question, not being disagreeable. Does he go on about struggling actors in the documentary? Oh or a famous person using their fame to their advantage?
He filmed a promo for a company that is still actively being struck by his Union, the documentary is about his life or some shit, i dont really know, but either way actors aren’t supposed to promote or film during the strike, both of which Stallone has done.
Unless it was with a company that reached a deal with their Union such as A24 which has actively been filming for months and were barely effected by the strike cause they came to table in good faith instead of trying to wait the strike out like tge major studios.
Ah, I was only vaguely aware of the writer’s strike and didn’t tie that together. It all makes sense now. Thanks for the explanation. That’s pretty shitty.
Can someone give some context? It seems I’m out of the loop.
Is Stallone scabbing?
Filmed a promo intro for the NFL on Fox for their pregame show and they gave a shout out to his documentary coming out on Netflix.
Thank you. What a c*nt.
You can say “cunt” on the Internet.
No he c*n’t
Yes he cunt I checked before
I was afraid that the skelleton warriors theme was gonna play if I do.
Wait a minute, lemme try again.
Well f*ck…
Cunt. Huh, you’re right!
They can also not say cunt if they don’t wanna. Why you gatekeeping censorship
Sorry but I’m still not following… Can you explain it with full nuance? Was this during the strike?
Actor strike is still going on. Only the writers strike ended.
Sure… But that doesn’t answer my question. When did production start? Etc. one sentence replies really aren’t helping. Source?
During the strike actors arent supposed to promote any projects, Stallone had been actively promoting his project and not just that but filming a promo for the NFL on fox. Doing work during a strike makes you a scab, its not that hard to understand.
Thanks! That’s all I was looking for… appreciate you!
No problem!
It was veyy hard to understand for me. Thanks for providing this full context now.
If you work for a struck company during a strike, you are a scab. He did work for two struck companies during the strike. He’s a scab.
Lol imagine having a go at somebody’s reply while you’re on the internet and can look it up yourself…
Who else will fall for propaganda (not saying this is that) unless a source or more info is given?
Idk… I’m fine with political memes, but a source should be included…OP should leave a comment after posting with more info.
I’m not a Stallone fan at all, have no bias towards him. And that’s my goal, is to retain an unbiased opinion on this stuff. I could google it but then so does everyone else, some of which won’t.
Here’s a source I found, maybe it will help someone else. You’re welcome OP. Maybe next time do this yourself.
Lol, lmao even.
Wait, you asked OP for that link and he had the fucking gall to not google it for you?! Wow, that’s bogus af.
There’s nothing odd about asking for a source. Wtf are you on about?
Brah is a meme community, the shit needs to be funny not true and peer reviewed
What’s the problem? Good faith question, not being disagreeable. Does he go on about struggling actors in the documentary? Oh or a famous person using their fame to their advantage?
He filmed a promo for a company that is still actively being struck by his Union, the documentary is about his life or some shit, i dont really know, but either way actors aren’t supposed to promote or film during the strike, both of which Stallone has done.
Unless it was with a company that reached a deal with their Union such as A24 which has actively been filming for months and were barely effected by the strike cause they came to table in good faith instead of trying to wait the strike out like tge major studios.
Is there a list of studios that have come to an agreement? I’d already heard of A24, I guess it could just be them though
Ah, I was only vaguely aware of the writer’s strike and didn’t tie that together. It all makes sense now. Thanks for the explanation. That’s pretty shitty.