Youre not wrong, I’m in a lot of trans circles and their type of thinking tends to be detrimental to trans men, or at least extremely isolating.
But hey anyone that tries to enforce a gender divide is gonna have to encourage division somehow
Youre not wrong, I’m in a lot of trans circles and their type of thinking tends to be detrimental to trans men, or at least extremely isolating.
But hey anyone that tries to enforce a gender divide is gonna have to encourage division somehow
Nixos: temple run and method edition
Yeah but the anti-woke type are hardly ever too mentally stable, so who knows when the ‘saving our Christian distro from the sinners’ update will drop.
That or the old devs never come back and the new ones ride it right into the shitter, either way its definitely uncertain times when you lose most of your main devs
Yikes with all the nix drama going on?
I use a custom distro dixos btw
Single party recording consent laws if you’re lucky
‘This falafel’s dank’ just reads to me like the falafel fuckin reeks (of weed at best)
I mean I don’t see the correlation between different experiences with different senses.
Like I love feeling shit come out of my ass, don’t like hearing seeing smelling or tasting it and I don’t think that’s an intellectual ‘gotcha’
I mean I don’t think you can shoot an just ear even as a controlled joke, much less from that distance…
Yeah but asphalt is usually chosen due to it being the cheap and easy option, I can’t imagine anywhere that hasn’t already used concrete is happy to spend more on their parking lot unless forced, and tbh if of there’s enough solar panels in the world to match US’s parking lot surface area
Oh yeah buddy what temp is it outside rn?
Asphalt loves heating cities up
My main desktop is arch in a VM, but every other system update it breaks steam’s gpu usage so I’m finay switching to something more stable
You got a pull release for that? Cause it’d be some real sneaky work considering they didnt even allow talking about it in the discord
It supported totk early cause the emulator worked? They made no specific patches to the emulator before it was released, and didnt even need to then because everything already worked.
Anything else is just Nintendo propaganda, cause all this wasn’t even early access - it was available in the free tier
great st Lawrence lake river
You say that but in theory the numbers disagree cause theyre still spending on it
Patron that boomed with totk being leaked, but that’s hardly their issue
There’s no way musk doesnt get nearly a billion death threats per day, but when your job is to be known by as many people as possible, it scales up the good and the bad.
But if either of them are having a bad day I’m sure they can dry their tears with a couple hundred dollar bills and sue some more poor people into dust (completely legally!) to make themselves feel better
Until it becomes ‘us and our 1 partner that proxies it to another 1000’ and no laws ever think about regulating it because ‘its a great business decision!’
(not corruption no why wouk you ever think that you commie)
Yeah a way of thinking they were just born into not encouraged nor following some man on the screen.
Most people aren’t dicks sure that stuffs gotta be learned
You gotta be taking commissions for artwork this beautiful