Sejm (lower house) votes as of 100% votes counted):
- Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Right) - 35,38%
- Koalicja Obywatelska (Centre) - 30,70%
- Trzecia Droga (Centre-Right) - 14,40%
- Nowa Lewica (Centre-Left) - 8,61%
- Konfederacja (Far Right) - 7,16%
Up to date results:
Sejm (lower house) seats as of 100% votes counted:
- Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Right) - 194
- Koalicja Obywatelska (Centre) - 157
- Trzecia Droga (Centre-Right) - 65
- Nowa Lewica (Centre-Left) - 26
- Konfederacja (Far Right) - 18
Democratic opposition gets 248/460 seats, safe majority but not enough to counter presidential veto.
D’Hondt calculator via:
Senat (upper house) as of 100% votes counted:
- Senate pact*: 66
- PiS: 34
* First past the post system is used in the upper house elections. Senate pact is an informal coalition of all democratic opposition parties where they agree on a single candidate per voting district.
The site shows maps, if you click on a party name, which illustrate a clear NW / SE divide, as well as the urban / rural divide that’s common everywhere. Any explanations, why NW is so different from SE, and how to reduce such polarisation?
IIRC, the map of voting tendencies in Poland echoes the map of the partitions of Poland, with the parts that had been under Russian rule before WW1 leaning more towards authoritarian autocracy than the parts that had been under Prussian and Austrian rule. Presumably some form of cultural transmission of attitudes to power would be the root cause.