Have they made her Jewish now?
Have they made her Jewish now?
Maybe at some point Charles Stross will be inspired to write a short story/novella set on an island of sentient trains thinly modelled on Thomas, only extrapolated to reveal the full horrifying implications of its worldbuilding and twisted to breaking point; I live in hope.
Does he spend 20% of his income ironically?
It was only a better place when access was gatekept by universities and research institutes. Once the general public was allowed in, carpetbaggers from Florida (the same sorts who would get into crypto a generation later) realised that you could flood the discussion forums the trusting natives had built with spam for no cost, and if even one person out of millions took the bait, you’d come out on top. It became a blasted wasteland soon after that, with people retreating to mailing lists.
Or yes, though you’re coming by yourself
In a topological sense, I have some good news…
Wasn’t he the token Italian kid in the TERF wizard school book?
… he thought as he balled testily down the stairs
Phallosaurus is not real and can’t hurt you
A stirring example of the kinds of proletarian solidarity impossible in a capitalist society, nothing more
“How do you do, fellow grungemuffins?”
As they say in Australia, Captain Cook is like me on pizza night: undone by a large Hawaiian
The Japanese word for cat, “neko”, apparently etymologically translates as “quadruped that goes ‘nyan’” (which is the Japanese equivalent of “meow”). The Mandarin word for cat, IIRC, is “mao”.
Enshittification is the promise of clout
An actor whose name was once bowdlerised to Jerk Van Lesbian.
Plausibility? If the photo like a model or something, everyone would know something’s up. But if it’s of an average-looking woman, you can imagine it’s some awkward nerd chick who might well share your nerdy interests.
Good thing they’re based far from the US in… oh.
The government as bagholder of last resort