I personally don’t like this “one site bad” thing(in this conflict at least). Of course, in terms of killed persons Israel is the bad guy, but also the things the Hamas did are pretty fucked up. I personally came to the conclusion that both sides are bad, Israel is allowed to defense itself against this brutality but shouldn’t take the opportunity to absolutely fuck Palestine again(what it sadly does). I’m not for Israel or Palestine. I’m for the civilists and human rights.
I personally don’t like this “one site bad” thing(in this conflict at least). Of course, in terms of killed persons Israel is the bad guy
In terms of killing children, women AND in the most cowardly manner, there’s no good manner but they succeed to go beyond that.
You have to look at it in terms of power dynamics though. Israel is a uS backed settler colonial apartheid regime that propped up Hamas because they would rather face Islamic fundamentalists then socialist opposition. They’re either directly or indirectly responsible for all of the violence.
Only one side could hypothetically end the violence tomorrow.
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Hamas having hostages isn’t stopping Israel bombing hospitals and cutting off food, water, and electricity to the region. If it doesn’t stop them from escalating violence why do you think it is preventing them from making concessions and ending the violence?
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Here is just one strike, that basically killed half a thousand people https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/gaza-un-experts-decry-bombing-hospitals-and-schools-crimes-against-humanity
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Israel literally warned they’d bomb the hospital twice before it was bombed, but sure.
Love to deny the crimes of an apartheid state
Treat people like animals for decades, it’s no surprise how they act. Israel is at fault for both sides deaths.
No. Humans are more than their base instincts. Hamas should not have murdered civilians. The Israeli state apparatus should not be abusing Gazans. Both are true at the same time.
“It is hard to remember that people can be both victim and perpetrator at the same time.”
We try often try to assign one group as the good guys and the other as the bad guys. It doesn’t work like that.
And you really think palestinians have no hand in any of that? Jews were persecuted and exiled from all over the world, left their home after it became too hostile for a better future. Palestinians chose to stay in an explosive situation, waging wars and losing them. When your neighbour is stronger and doesn’t want you - leave. Every nation in the world knows this except for the palestinians.
I’m not going to sit on a platform that has this low bar for dumb “memes” and world views with that high upvote number.