Exploring space via all the cool science, sci-fi movies and games is good enough. Also, tripping balls.
With the explosion of tech currently, and where we are with anti aging tech, theres a non zero chance we might not have been born too soon to explore space
… assuming you can afford it.
Originally we wont be, but as it becomes older tech it’ll likely become available to us
Edit: Lmao, a bunch of you WANT our future to be shit it seems. Whatever floats your goat I guess
Nah. That’s the one things that the rich and powerful will absolutely keep for themselves above all else. You can’t have a long lived peasantry. They need to be hard workers that can only barely enjoy what time they have and be grateful for it.
Sure, the powerful will want to keep it to themselves, but so did the nobles in the medieval ages. Eventually those with decent intentions luck out into positions of power and are able to spread some of that hoarded power to those who were previously denied. Our power solidification and disparity has acted like waves with high tides and low tides throughout our history. When enough power gets hoarded, those societies stagnate, allowing societies that were behind them and willing to take risks to shoot ahead of them displacing the old powers, and then the cycle repeats
Did I miss something?
I dont have any specific articles to link, but over the last few years I’ve seen a articles here and there about research that’s showing promise in not necessarily extending our lives, but making more of the last few years of them more enjoyable and useful. So thats what influenced the anti aging tech part of my comment, the technology explosion part? The tech I am using right now (My cellphone) is functionally magic to even my 10 year old self. I have adopted family on the opposite end of the planet, that doesnt speak the same language as me, and yet I can effectively communicate with them within seconds using a device connected to nothing
We truly would be in a Star Trek style utopia if the ruling class weren’t stacked with insatiable greed.
My hope is we’ll get there eventually, evolution bred some traits into us that arent fully compatible with future utopias, but we’ll fix that over time
and our ape brains havent developed considerably in the past few thousand years.
i’m highly sceptical of any anti ageing technology simply for the fact, that most old people become insane and most middle aged people lack the mental flexibility to deal with the current fast paced world.
Whats getting 500 years old worth for, if you just move from sausage to vegetable to pile of nuclear waste emitting random signals for 400 of these 500 years?
Not everyone goes senile in old age, but yeah, a significant amount of people do. But our tech is slowly helping with that as well
You’re 10 years old and are adopting people?
They adopted me. I did a volunteer program in a developing country and lived with this family for 3 months. When I had a falling out with my bio family, this family let me know that they consider me their son/brother/family. Also I’m 30
Edit: Lol how fragile do you have to be for this clarification to be enough to upset you?