Unless shit has gotten better in the half year since I left, you guys still have extreme moderation issues, which means even with an extensive instance and user blocklist, you’re still going to be constantly dealing with extreme takes
Unless shit has gotten better in the half year since I left, you guys still have extreme moderation issues, which means even with an extensive instance and user blocklist, you’re still going to be constantly dealing with extreme takes
I unironically like this version the best out of the entire chain
I mean, if they are 30 and haven’t adapted to how society is yet, its not surprising they havent got their shit together. We grew up alongside modern tech growing up, if you’ve been avoiding technology till now, its exceedingly hard to function in our current society
Yeah, ok, with this response and your other one, I’m blocking you now
You’re either a troll, being the fucked kind of sarcastic, or you have some seriously fucked values…
Because thereal’s version is welcoming and non discriminatory, and the meme is antagonistic by design
The fact that you are trying to pass this off as a way to get laid is honestly disgusting
Some people are definitely using it to create drama sure, but others are using it to vent, and yet others dont understand why some men wouldnt just try to understand why women would choose the bear… basically its a clusterfuck of a meme
Tbh the TERF stuff isnt surprising since a lot of these memes have just a hint of Misandry to them, and when it comes to TERFs, they dont see Trans Women as women, and see them as men, so its moreso their ideas on men that are guiding their ideology, than it is about women
I’ll still purposely switch to the opposite street if its not very populated and I’m unintentionally following a woman for too many blocks (because we just happen to be going in the same direction). Remember though that the most extreme people are the ones who shout the loudest, most women wont be unempathetic to your struggles, and understand that society has challenges for you as a man that they themselves dont have to experience. You arent a boogeyman, and you and your struggles are valid, dont let shit like the bear meme convince you otherwise
These kinds of things are great for letting off steam with friends, but absolutely TERRIBLE at getting a point across to people who dont already know said point
Yeah, thats why I posted this. I’m having a good day today, and so I was able to find the words that others who’ve been affected by the bear meme struggled to find the words to. If I get some flak for it, I have the emotional space to explain my reasoning
I mean yeah, that was my point. Currently though our messaging is insanely antagonistic and there are a LOT of men without women in their lives who can explain this to them. People dont listen to those antagonizing them, the throw their shields/walls up, and seek those who are friendlier to them, which, in this case would be the manpsphere, posts like this only preach to the choir, and push away the men who need to know why women would choose the bear the most.
I have some extra emotional capacity today so (see edit*) I’ll post some wrong think: but can we stop antagonizing populations that feel disenfranchised by society and therefor giving the truly evil fucks out there an easy population to brainwash and feed extra scummy ideologies to?
Young nerdy men who feel excluded from society that dont have any strong female figures in their life are barraged by a constant stream of messaging that could easily be interpreted as “(white) men are evil and the source of all problems with society”
By constantly antagonizing them for not being able to navigate the political nuance of those messages, we give an incredibly easy pathway to the more toxic ideologies that the Tates of the world will pull them into to profit off of them, because they are the only figures who will give them praise and a sense of belonging.
Edit: Its a new day now, and I no longer have the energy. If you want to vent, understanding that venting in this manner will bring about little to no positive change, you do you, I will no longer be responding
Discord had the heat of litigation forced in their direction, thats the difference between Suyu and the nutjob communities. If some company threatened legal consequences if discord didnt nuke one of the nut job communities, I doubt they would be any less hesitant to nuke said communities than they were for Suyu
I mean, Suyu is already jumping to new locations on the internet, so whack a mole/hydra is still in effect
I mean, Suyu already seems to be jumping to a different medium, so it sounds like this situation wouldnt have gone any differently had Suyu had their main support hosted anywhere else. Nintendo would have nuked any of the support locations, and Suyu would then have to jump to a new safe haven
I mean, my response earlier probably still works for those who’d prefer discord as a support channel to other Foss channels: This is far more of a Nintendo bad moment than it is a Discord bad. I doubt foss alternatives would have the lawyers to fight Nintendo better than Discord can. And while my mind immediately thought of a hydra anology that Foss might have, hasnt the hydra already activated anyways? Suyu is already jumping into different hosting mediums
I mean shit like moderators deleting comments because someone isnt capitalizing someone’s pronouns (while otherwise respecting which pronouns the user they are referring to listed) and that thing 5 months back when the vegan instance was banning people for saying that feeding your carnivore pets a vegan diet was animal cruelty. While admittedly the pronoun one was in a more extreme leaning instance, the problem is its impossible to completely filter that shit out when you visit this site, I dont want to see shit from R/The_Donald on reddit but despite an EXTENSIVE blocklist on this site, I cant escape constantly seeing the lefts equivalent here.
Edit: Also I get the vegan thing is an old example, its a timestamp of when I last gave lemmy a try and then gave up
Edit 2: Also I strayed from my moderation point. My point was NOT that there was too much moderation here, my point was there wasnt ENOUGH. Most instances have like ONE active moderator