I have personally seen gambling fuck up way more lives than drugs, and this was before it was being shoved down our throats. It’s honestly disgusting how shameless the advertising has been, getting people to gamble like degenerates in “garbage time.” Or poking fun at people “losing their shirt” in Buffalo. And don’t even get me started at how they are using fantasy sports to get kids hooked early.
Fuck this so much. I know entire families - children, parents, grandparents - who’ve been put through hell over this.
Mississippi grind is an absolutely incredible depiction of just how sad and devastating gambling addictions are. I can’t recommend that movie enough (as long as you’re ready for some sad storytelling).
Livestream online gambling is another one of those absolutely abysmal modern exposures that is going to completely destroy the lives of young men as they grow up, and I can’t believe it’s still legal
I have personally seen gambling fuck up way more lives than drugs, and this was before it was being shoved down our throats. It’s honestly disgusting how shameless the advertising has been, getting people to gamble like degenerates in “garbage time.” Or poking fun at people “losing their shirt” in Buffalo. And don’t even get me started at how they are using fantasy sports to get kids hooked early.
Fuck this so much. I know entire families - children, parents, grandparents - who’ve been put through hell over this.
Mississippi grind is an absolutely incredible depiction of just how sad and devastating gambling addictions are. I can’t recommend that movie enough (as long as you’re ready for some sad storytelling).
Livestream online gambling is another one of those absolutely abysmal modern exposures that is going to completely destroy the lives of young men as they grow up, and I can’t believe it’s still legal