I’m gonna be honest, I don’t care any how many “balls to the chin” she takes. She’s an adult, now an unmarried adult; if she wants to line 'em up and go to town, more power to her. Go nuts, lady.
It’s the hypocrisy, positioning herself as hyper-moral and a righteous judge of the sexuality of others, and the public nature (with minors close-by) of this sex act. With that, I also hate her for participating in the destruction of democracy in the United States and other awfulness she perpetrates as a representative.
Go nuts, lady; get your freak on. But stop being a hypocrite about it, and stop making the United States worse.
This is what I hate so much about this. I don’t give a fuck how slutty she wants to be. She’s a fucking terrible leader and that’s all I need to know.
I don’t think anyone mocking or criticizing her is actually concerned she is promiscuous or that it would matter if she were
As long as it’s not happening in a public place, she can have at it. She’s all kinds of stupid, but there’s nothing wrong with sex between two (or more) consenting adults.
I don’t even care about the public place aspect, I just don’t like her.
Gracious god, are you telling me this adult woman is having sex of the oral kind and lots of it, too? How utterly horrible and naughty!
Puritans get fucked.
Lighten up psycho.
Stop trying to insult people for enjoying sex.
I’m not. It’s a joke. Don’t be ashamed of alll those balls buddy.
Explain the meme, then. What’s funny about it? Go on.
The outrage is the funniest part now honestly.
Which part of asking you to explain something do you perceive as outrage? Didn’t you call me a psycho for not thinking slut shaming is funny?
Wouldn’t that require them all to be up to some kind of professional standard?
This meme makes no reference to any hypocrisy, it’s just “look at this adult woman who had SEX”
Cool seeing slut shaming be upvoted, really proving we’re above Boebert here
I mean yeah I’m gonna slut shame one of the biggest slut shaming cunts in Congress. One who has pushed legislature that polices what kids can say/do/wear. One that spouts Christian values while being a prideful lustful vain piece of shit.
Really not seeing how straight slut shaming does anything but make the problem worse, but go off
Some people aren’t looking for solutions. Some people are looking for opportunities to do antisocial shit while covered by a crowd.
She and another man were groping each other in public.
Sounds ripe for a meme about public indecency, which this isn’t
If you’re mad about this mild joke, I’d hate to see how mad you are about something that truly carries horrible connotations
I’m mad about reducing public discourse about this toxic lawmaker, who poses a real threat to people’s health and bodily freedom, down to frivolous (and easily defensible) middle school bullshit
I’m here for the jokes. Not to argue about politics. This is the opposite of funny, what you’re doing, and it’s definitely not what anyone comes here for.
You posted the politician, not me.
My root comment isn’t about politics, it’s about the “joke” being fucked up and not funny.
The top comments on this post are VERY political.
If you want fun & funny then post something fun & funny next time.
Nah the outrage makes me laugh even more.
Uh yea bro obviously. You don’t need to announce how your humor is on the level of a middle school bully, the post already made that clear
Low hanging fruit.
Not if they are hitting her chin
This comment section is Reddit level bad guys be better.
I have noticed zero difference between Reddit and lemmy as far as public intelligence is concerned. Like yeah maybe there’s a handful of much smarter users here but it’s definitely drowned out by all these hexbear type retards
you say that like there’s any material difference whatsoever between lemmy and reddit
I was hoping an opportunity to start over would make people less obnoxious, i guess that was stupid of me.
i was too tbh
Yeah I’m ashamed.
Don’t forget the Throat GOAT, Nancy Reagan
Look, Lauren Boebert gives us enough to make fun of without having to resort to this schoolyard bullshit. It’s pretty cringe to make fun of a woman for having an active and healthy sex life.
Stop. Don’t be an incel.
You want to make fun of her, make fun of her for being a moron, a hypocrite, and a fascist. Making fun of a woman for showing public affection is just gross and we should be better than that.
Not an incel. Maybe learn what the word means.
There is a huge difference between public affection and what they did.
Right, I forgot I was talking to “PM_ME_FEET_PICS”, a paragon of morality.
I’m not defending her behavior in the theater. She was being a nuisance and had every right to be kicked out.
But this meme isn’t making fun of her for being a nuisance. Or of inappropriate sexual conduct in front of minors. Or vaping in a crowded theater.
This meme is making fun of a woman for having a sex life. And that’s fucking gross, no matter who the target is. “How many balls to chin did she take?” Does it fucking matter? Do we need a bj limit for elected officials? Who fucking cares? Yeah, she’s a hypocrite and that needs to be called out, but the critique can’t just stop at “oooh she gives bjs”.
Kennedy took a lot of vag to the face and no one bats an eye. Clinton got a bj in the white house and Monica Lewinsky got the most hate for it. This practice of shaming women for being sexual is gross and stupid and incel-level masogyny that needs to fucking stop.
Another dipshit, incorrect attack on my character.
There is nothing wrong with being sexual.
There is definitely something wrong with being sexual in public and I front of minors.
Speaking of dipshit, read my fucking comment before responding.
I’m not defending her behavior in the theater. She was being a nuisance and had every right to be kicked out.
But this meme isn’t making fun of her for being a nuisance. Or of inappropriate sexual conduct in front of minors. Or vaping in a crowded theater.
This meme is making fun of a woman for having a sex life.
You’re unhinged.
I corrected someone claiming what they did was a healthy sexual expression. It was probably yours.
I made no comment on the meme or her sex life in general.
Sexual conduct in front of minors is not healthy. That is they only thing I commented, before you kept making claims of stuff I have never said.
You need to step away from the internet and rethink your life choices. Your behavior is not healthy and you clearly have mental health issues that you desperately need to get looked into.
Really disturbing to see people in your own camp acting shitty isn’t it?
I detest and call out shitty behavior know matter what political alignment a person may hold. It’s called a moral compass. Is this a new concept to you?
And the we I’m refering to is really Lemmy, not necessarily democrats/liberals
This is a 0 second black screen for me.
Works for me. I’m using Sync.
Working for me, but I get that error, too, occasionally. Maybe try again later?
Good for her?
Yeah, this is dumb. I don’t care if politicians have lots of sex. Except if doing so breaks public decency laws. Let’s make fun of her for that.
Criminality is bad. High body count is not.
Stupid as fuck meme.
Honestly, I just thought the play on words was funny and creative. She can suck all the cock she wants, she can be the biggest hypocrite there is. Thats freedom. It’s not her fault people vote for her.
Yeah the anger is weird lol
SABRmetrics is getting really weird these days.
Was Kamala cropped out?