Since we don’t yet have a specific community for custom phone ROMs, let’s discuss them here. Are you running a custom ROM? Which one? On what hardware? How is it?

  • Pete
    2 years ago

    I’ve been through a lot of launchers, to the point where I’m not even certain what I’m currently using. It’s all cartoonish and absolutely against my design aesthetic. I turned notifications off months ago for anything but direct communication from my contacts and set the phone to go straight to voicemail for anyone else, and it’s been bliss. I have a few F-Droid apps, but I’ve found that I prefer the desktop experience for most use cases through that store … rarely do I have a pressing need to check my RSS feed where I can’t read links on a full monitor.

    I get into work and back home in a far better mood by playing a casual game and listening to music on my commute, and there’s nothing I miss about slavishly checking my phone.

      2 years ago

      Stock android ROM(s) sound like a good fit since you seem to like a minimal experience.

      GrapheneOS would probably suit you too and has improved privacy and security, but it’s Pixel only so I’ve never got to try it myself.