What the fuck? You’re already paying out the ass to get food delivered why are they shoving ads in your face?
But what are you going to do about it, go pick up food yourself like some plebeian?
Simple: money.
And they rip off their drivers too. 😑
I’m so fucking tired of advertisements. I’m sick and tired of it.
That’s basically why I am here. I can’t go back to Reddit’s official app and its ads after using Boost and Joey for years.
Agreed… Augmented reality is going to be a nightmare hahah
There are ways around adds; alternative apps, addblockers, roms and privacy focused browsers. The only mandatory adds are on street corners imo
If adblockers didn’t work, I’d be living alone in the woods somewhere.
This, I feel monetized. I dont like that feeling and it’s the one of the reasons i’ve stopped using reddit
Me too, I’ve basically left all traditional social media because of it.
Apps that autoplay video adds really don’t respect people on mobile metered connections. Especially if these videos are 90 seconds long. This is such a greedy addition to an app where you are already paying for a product…
Ya, I hope this means my ride is free.
HAhahahahahaha, that’s a good one!
Why the fuck are ads even profitable? Seriously? Who actually sees an ad and thinks “I’m going to buy this product”? When I see an ad I think “fuck you” and I’m less likely to buy their product.
You’d be surprised. Advertisers wouldn’t be running the ads if they didn’t have positive ROI (that is, the value they get from the ads is larger than what they paid for them). A good ROI is usually at least 5x (that is, for every dollar the advertiser spends on ads, they make five dollars). Google’s estimates are even higher at 8x:
we conservatively estimate that for every $1 a business spends on Google Ads, they receive $8 in profit through Google Search and Ads.
(source: https://economicimpact.google/methodology/)
Retargeting ads - the ones where you view a product somewhere then see ads for it on Google, Facebook, etc - are especially successful. They have a very good clickthrough rate since the product is already something the user expressed interest in.
They’re paying for a portion of your attention. They’re slowly building an association with their product such that when you finally get around to buying say a VPN subscription your first thought is “Nord.”
It’s not going to affect everyone the same, for instance my thoughts on VPNs are “anything but Nord”; but they only need a fraction of users to develop a positive association with their brand.
Nord’s cheap and keeps my ISP off my ass for torrenting. That’s all I need.
They’re everywhere to the point where I wish I had an adblocker built into my eyeballs. Watching NHL there’s ads on the ice, the jerseys, the helmets, popping in from the sides, overlaying the score etc. it’s so out of control and that’s just one thing.
Either it’s a giant pyramid scheme that keeps getting money funnelled into it or if this shit really just works. The sheer amount of money spent on it is absurd, sometimes as much as the budget of some movies to promote said movies.
Yeah, but… why?
The over-commercialization of everyday life we see in the Cyberpunk genre is finally becoming real. Now where’s my flying car?
At least let me get some cybernetic enhancements off the street or something…
No worries we will just uninstall them all same way we did Netflix.
Imagine federated Uber/Eats 😂
Call it Federeats
I’ll be happy if they go through with this. I already have trouble resisting the lure of easy access food, but this will help me kick that habit.
non-paywalled link: https://archive.is/foKCB
The reason simply seems to be a: “Well, what are you gonna do? We want to squeeze every cent out of you”
What am I gonna do? Simple. Just stop using your services. You either respect your customer or you don’t. There are plenty of alternatives.
I don’t use any services with ads. None. This will be the end of me using Uber.
This should be good for Lyft.
I am so sick of ads being everywhere. It’s such a mental load.
same. fortunately with all the apps I use, I havnt seen an ad anywhere in ages, not on youtube, ig, web, anywhere
My pihole helps quite a bit, but some still sneak in. I had to use a VPN to get a cheap rate for Youtube premium which helps a ton. Instagram ads and mail ads are unavoidable still.
mail ads? on instagram, i use instander (android)
Yes, at least in the US, we get a ton of ads via mail (post). It’s a huge pain. I use iOS and I don’t think there are any Instagram alternative apps.
oh i remember, i get tons of email ads, theyre just in a separate tab lol. so i never see them
I mean physical mail, lol. You go out to your mailbox and have a handful of crap that you have to throw away.
oh yeah that too lol
Are they expecting people to pay for the service, AND watch ads?
It’s worked for cable TV (and some streaming services) for a long time. I guess other companies want in on it too. Strange to see Uber doing it though.
Are people really spending that much time in the uber app that the money they’ll make is worth the community reaction??
I’m still too broken up about Google Readers untimely death.
But really, I have been using more RSS feeds lately too. The only issue I have been having recently is that a lot of the websites that offer RSS don’t push the whole article to my feed and I still have to go to their website so they can serve me their ads.
I think the ad driven revenue streams are what is gonna keep us from seeing a major RSS resurgence.
have you tried the RSS feeds from Lemmy yet? I havent I was just wondering
Give FreshRSS a shot if you can self-host. It’s actually quite nice!
I have been running moonmoon for a while but its EXTREMELY minimalist and I think abandoned at this point. FreshRSS seems like a promising replacement tho. Since I already have the VPS, I may just throw that on there instead. Thanks for the recommendation!
TheOldReader is pretty similar to Google Reader.
Uber and lyft both work on web mobile. Still a good reason to not use uber though.