Yeah. Brown spots on banana just show how good they taste. It’s literally the banana producing too much “coloring” which ends up darkening the peel.
You say this like it’s a universal experience
Yeah? Is it not? Are bananas with brown spots not yummy in other areas?
I dont understand people that dont eat the black part of a banana. Its literally the most mature part!
Generally don’t most people only eat the white part inside and not the peel?
Those people are WEAK
I dated a woman who ate bananas whole, peel and all.
She was not a good person.
I mean, the peel is perfectly edible and contains good nutrients I wouldn’t want to miss out on, were it not so gross to chew on
i like them when the whole banana is green. the brown is so nasty to me that i gag
That’s when it’s banana waffle time! Or pancakes if you’re not currently blessed with a waffle maker
*banana bread time
That’s why people lining up to go down on tasty grandmothers amirite?!
I call them bynynys.
banana medium rare
Medium for Müsli, Medium well to eat as is, and well done for banana bread and milkshakes.
Anything else is a sin before the Elder Gods.
who is Müsli?
German word for a certain kind of breakfast food (like cornflakes; a mixture containing primarily oats)
thank you kind stranger
Green is the best, don’t @ me
deleted by creator
I want my banana still mooing