• Agent641@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    While waiting to meet his estranged son for the first time in years, Wim Hof decided to get into a public water fountain and give himself an enema on one of the water spraying outlets in full view of the public. Unbeknownst to him, the water pressure had been turned up high, possibly to dissuade him from doing this (it was not his first time visiting this fountain)

    The high pressure water jet tore through his intestines like a knife, leaving him screaming and writing in pain amidst the weekday shoppers.

    The first time his son saw him in years (he stopt contacting his weird dad because he was unbearably weird), Wim was hobbling up to him, pantsless, water, blood and shit gushing from his anus, while Wim begged him (without even a ‘Hello son’) “I need you to drive me to the hospital!”