We’ve all been there at some point.
If it doesn’t flush it’s probably the toilet paper, not your gigantuous dump. So waiting for the paper to dissolve somewhat will help.
I think most flush before wiping, so not sure assuming it’s the toilet papers fault works in every situation.
People flush before wiping?
I do, seems like a smart to start to the clean up process. I was taught to since I was potty trained.
who tf flushes before wiping
I do, seems like a smart to start to the clean up process. I was taught to since I was potty trained.
then you gotta flush twice
Better than clogging a low flow toilet, newer toilets these days are a nice change.
It’s smart to believe that everybody went through something like this at some point. It makes you feel better about it.
Damn skippy. But I rarely speak of the toilets I’ve clogged, you know so I don’t break the illusion that it’s commonplace.
Should’ve used the poop knife.
They’ll let you take your poop knife onto the ship? I assumed it would be a no go.
The original joke is from a russian stand up comedy called Comedy Club which Pavel Durov told if you didn’t know.