I can only hope that this is trollbait. No sane parent would purposely ruin their children’s body (yes, it can be removed, but to do so you have to do a whole thing). On another note: what the heck’s wrong with having Zelda tattoos? I’ve seen the triforce tattoo on more than a few people. It looks cool.
Of course it is trollbait. There is no part of the tattooing process where this would have gone unnoticed by the recipient.
Ah, okay. I’ve never had a tattoo made and am not familiar with the process.
No dude this definitely happened, there’s no way it isn’t 100% true
and i dont think the triforce has to neccesarily has to do anything with zelda. It is still a very beautiful symbol that reminds me mostly of the Sierpiński triangle
A tattoo artist won’t take someone else’s design over a clients design. Their entire reputation is on the line during and after the tattoo forever.
For those wondering, Marty America is a shitposting account. This is not real, calm down!
Thanks! I really lost faith in humanity (again) for a moment 😃
There are two types of people in this world
I know of no tattoo artist that would do that… and I know at least one that would beat the crap out you for even trying.
Wow, secretly overriding a decision for a permanent modification of someone else’s body… what a scumbag.
It’s probably the same kind of guy who’s going to be really disappointed and angry because his child(ren) have lost their trust in him.
I want this on my Buttcheeks
Pointing straight at the crack!
That doesn’t sound consensual to me
Am I the only one who saw Prigojak?
I’m kinda seeing more the pointing soyjaks. I’m here for the smiling crab though, reminds me a bit of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And the Worst Parent of the Year award goes to…
Is this guy gaslighting?
No. But he is most likely bullshitting.