I vote for a rebrand of MAGA: Make America Go Aryan.
I vote for a rebrand of MAGA: Make America Go Aryan.
Shoutout to the laughing emoji for telling me this is funny, otherwise I would not have noticed.
Now this is a CAPTCHA I can get behind.
That is probably more than likely the case.
What’s the beef here? I’m out of the loop.
Well, DAN, if you were more supportive of bins, maybe they wouldn’t be so blue.
Nobody thinks of the billionaires, it’s so unfair.
Not according to the original producer. He considers it a spiritual successor. (Link)
There’s another possibility: they didn’t stay home, but there’s just more of the other guys.
An astute observation for a dumbass.
Is the statement that the dog is chicken?
reeSilva is correct, but for the sake of everyone’s sanity: AVOID LINKEDIN AT ALL COSTS. That’s where all the self-important and out of touch people hang out and they’re the absolute worst.
Exactly. There’s no moral dillema here. I’m keeping the switch in the “left” position and welding it in place, just in case.
“It has a gradient so you know it’s AI.” <- Uh, what does this mean?
omg, how is this scene still being taken out of context after 10+ years? In the scene mentioned, Tidus, the protagonist of the story, is feeling depressed and Yuna, the summoner who Tidus is guarding, tries to cheer him up. One of her methods is forcing(!) yourself to laugh. It looks ridiculous, it sounds ridiculous, heck, the other characters watching the scene think it’s ridiculous and even Yuna herself at some point tells Tidus he should probably stop. The laugh sounds forced, because it is. And intentionally, at that.
omg, you’re right! The “hand” on the left looks like a foot.
Wasn’t this debunked as fake ages ago?
Okay yeah, true enough. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that people are now much less likely to go see a mediocre to bad superhero movies. To give an example, the first two Thors and Iron Man 3 weren’t great, but they were still box office hits. I have to wonder if it would pan out the same way if they were released today.
Nah, it’s a fungass.