The kids yearn for the mines
Is that why they play Minecraft?
Always has been
Kids in my generation:
“Mom, can I have my GameBoy back?”
A girl in my class: proud owner of a PS1, plays Spyro and Medievil constantly.
Same girl as an adult: “I don’t even knew what a video game was, I played outside.”
Are we becoming boomer now? I certainly feel like it
Smaller kids still love playgrounds, even if they also want/love screentime. Heck, it is not infrequent there are a group of younger teenagers at the playgrounds we frequent.
These were the shit growing up
Where you a child during the industrial revolution
These things were NEVER fucking left open at the park near me. Could wait there the entire day and the same fucking kid would be using it the entire time, completely oblivious to your attempts to get him to move.
I swear, I probably only touched the thing once when i was a child. I came back with my daughter a few years ago and nobody was giving it a second glance. Used my kid as an excuse to finally get to play with the thing…