please tag as NSFW (read section 3 of our rules if you are confused)
I read the rules and I’m even more confused now…
How is this post NSFW? Because it swears? 🤨
in our rules it states that descriptions of sexual acts count as NSFW. read the bottom of our rules section (hehe bottom)
The 196 community or the Blahhaj instance? Because all the community rules say about NSFW content is that it’s allowed but must be tagged. No mention of simply describing sex as being NSFW.
Rules from the linked post in the sidebar:
right there
Ah. It might help to rephrase that as an actual rule and not just an example of a CW tag.
got it. thank you for the feedback!
I’m so touch starved that I’d moan at the slightest touch and cry if we kissed while embracing.
mlurp!! hows a’boat u? :3c
Make me your pet, tie me up and fuck me, but don’t let me cum, and keep doing that until I forget my name, until I can’t speak or scream any more, and until I forget all the worries of a world on the brink of disaster because it’s only you and me and the vast, empty universe that we can paint with stars, like God when he created it (we can do it the other way around, too, if you want)
I’m so eepy because I had to get up early 2 days in a row, but things are cool right meow hehe :3c
why the fuck did I write thisajslasldhsgagkd ÓwÒ
I think you might need some form of outlet.
That might help! I just wish I didn’t feel so burnt out because it makes finding an outlet way harder :c