Well, I know what I’m doing this weekend.
Then what’s the point of having hot wheels cars at all? That’s what they’re for!
I would let you, but please warm them up first.
No need to, they already have hot wheels
This is awful, I hate it
The boobs or the car?
If anyone wants to contribute towards me growing some breasts of my own I promise to let you drive Hotwheels on them 👉👈
Here ya go. Less safe than monitored by a doctor but listen it’s your body you should have the right to alter it as you wish even if doctors disagree, though you bear all risks of whether or not that’s a good decision.
We have estrogen at home.
Yeah, was about to say if the dream is driving Hotwheels cars across any breasts, why not grow your own?
If it has to be someone else’s, your solution sounds reasonable.
Ah, so she’s more of an animal crackers girl. Where’s my Aerosmith tapes.
For all of my many, many poor decisions in relationships over the years, this would not have been a problem with any of the women I dated. They would’ve all had a good laugh about it.
all one of them? that’s awesome man!
But can I tech deck?