Peer pressure from people that don’t even exist anymore, huh.
Well tough luck, the only pressure this aroace girl will succumb to is a sale on her favourite garlic bread
so true bestie
my bloodline ends with me lmal
The tgirl win, my ancestors are dead so their opinion doesnt count.
And if you don’t have any offspring so will be yours in one generation.
This is litteraly why people should have kids, so your personal philosophy and world views can be tought them. So the next generation as a whole can benefit from a diverse set of perspectives on current matters on the world.
You do realize you don’t need to have genetic offspring for that right? You make friends and family and just interact with other people and it serves the same purpose and if you really want a child for that then well adoption is also an option
True, but also friends and family are usually either same age or older. ( as in the other response) I assume parents would prefer to have grandchildren, so they would not apprecheate your anti children sentiment spread by you to they’re children.
True, adoption is also a good thing generally. But to help the genetical pool be diverse and healthy some children of your own wouldnt be bad.
Who the fuck cares about what their parents want in this situation (this is an exaggeration and I know many people do care but I’m making a point here) Having children is an expensive and labor Intensive process where a person’s parents should have no say in. Imagine demanding your children build a house for you, one where you wouldn’t help that much in building and only hangout in every once in a while.
Also we aren’t in a position where we actually need to care about genetic diversity, there’s plenty of that already so whatever benefit it might give is incredibly miniscule
Sod it mate, I can teach my niblings
That implies someone had given birth to them. ( No everone has niblings.)
And who said that they’re parents would allow you to teach em your world view? ( Especially as those parents did create children and you didn’t. Hence I presume they would also like to have grandchildren. And you would discourage that.)
Yeah, of course someone needs to give birth to them. What are you saying?
And what exactly do you think my world view is? And why would it include discouraging people having grandchildren?
I’m not an anti natalist, lol. I think those people are lunatics. I just personally don’t want kids of my own.
That’s such a weird perspective on having kids.
Let me ask though, do you not see having kids as slightly immoral due to the negative environmental impact each human has on the planet? Or that global warming will cause immense reduction in quality of life for all humans in the next 30 years and you know they won’t have a good life?
I do, and I agree. But also there is much more significant impacts to our enviorment. (Buildings, Planes and Cars for example). And If we stop producing offspring because of “moral” reasons, people without such reasons will create offspring and spread theyr world view to the next generation. And the next generation will still have the issues but now with less people that are able / intrested in solving the enviormental issue. ( Idocracy scenario).
And if you don’t have any offspring so will be yours in one generation.
I guess its up to you if you think that your world view is not worth spreading.
They should’ve put more hours in to come up with a better face for me.
Face, body, anxiety, depression, etc…
Yeah… Even if someone would hold their nose and settle for me I’ve pretty much decided the world is a much better place without more of me. Plus it’s a like a form of torture to bring someone into this world that will be as ugly as me and have all my issues as well.
Hard pass.
All my relatives drop like flies from cancer, so thats gonna be a doosie in a couple of decades. No way I let someone inherit that shit.
Why? What’s wrong with yours?
Think of the 10 most conventionally unattractive features somebody could have. I’ll probably check 7 out if those. Just as a clue, I’m not overweight, have most of my hair and both my eyes face the same direction, that’s about it.
“It’s us, the voice of your combined ancestors. Be at peace daughter, live your life to your liking, we are proud to have made it that far and if it ends with you then it was a good run that ends with a smile from Destiny. Fortune be with you.”
One small problem, I don’t care what my family or ancestors think about me :3
aroace gang represent
not even aroace, just dont like kids and my dating pool is a lot more limited after coming out so its accurate anyway lol
Fuck off dead people
we forgot the third challenger, a sibling.
They are the same picture
Billions of years of ancestors!
Whenever I see memes like these i always wonder why people don’t remember surrogacy
But then i remember the fact that parts of surrogacy are incredibly shit so nvm