do you guys have any cool main character ideas? I wanna hear about their appearance and what their strength is
I feel like this is a post I’d see on feedthememes
“what is this and how do I get rid of it?”
I always love that that’s a meme there because it’s a totally valid and common question with modpacks. Despite its meme status, it still is a very frequent question. It’s the kind of meme where no matter how much awareness it gets, it will never help reduce the root cause of random shit appearing in game and nobody knowing what it is or how to remove it. Even if people learn the mods, there is always a new one that adds random shit on screen that 3 people in the universe know about. It’s more like a motto than a meme now.
There’s a couple of standard solutions writers go to:
- Themselves
- Their love interest
- Their dream partner
- Their rival, with every negative trait exaggerated
- One of their parents. Or more precisely said the daddy/mommy issues.
- Themselves but as a hero
- Themselves but as (even more of) an idiot
- An empty vessel to throw their worldbuilding at, a leaf flowing in the wind.
A wizard who can’t cast any spells except telekinesis, and specifically only on enchanted crystal balls.
So, basically, a dude with ripped arms and legs from carrying around a net-bag full of crystal balls waiting to be flung at enemies. Often seen running around the battlefield mid-fight collecting or placing crystal balls, and typically very broke from buying more crystal balls.
any stereotypical support character, like the old mentor/wizard for fantasy or the likes
have you tried turning the edges on and off again?