Also on Tumblr @nick-nonya
the balls penised cockfully down the stairs
listen you don’t go in the velociraptor business if you can’t outrun a velociraptor
the day i don’t :3 is the day i’m dead
unfortunately image uploads from links don’t support the built-in alt text system, and uploading directly to my instance is unreliable
oh i see now
it’s not a particularly deep joke, at some point in the past our ancient ancestors stopped producing vitamin c by themselves so now we get scurvy if we don’t eat fruit sometimes.
also British teeth stereotypically suck
those are the only two things you need to understand the joke
oh and to “fuck [someone] raw” just means to have unprotected sex
conarcoin posts:
neopets forum posts i reference all the time
[several screenshots follow]
[first screenshot] Is arguing some kind of coping mechanism for you??
[second screenshot] just thought i’d add that i’ve reported everyone in this thread including myself
[third screenshot] wow this place is a freakshow. i dont respect literally any of you people
[screenshots ends]
conarcoin replies:
here are some more really good neoboards screenshots
[several screenshots follow]
[first screenshot] a large colorful message, presumably a forum signature, reading:
i am report EVERYBODY
[several pixel art neopet emoticons]
~ so you best behavior ~
[second screenshot] a post on the “Newbies” page of neoboard titled “why’s everyone so angry tonight”
the author posts:
“let’s do some breathing exercises everybody” in large black text
another user replies:
[third screenshot] a post on the “Fan Clubs” page of neoboard titled “dogs or cats”
the author posts:
i love dogs im a dong person [smiley face]
i love unies they are the best neopets in the world
the author replies to themselves:
dog person [smiley face]
i love unies they are the best neopets in the world
[fourth screenshot, every word has their initial capitalized] I Do Not Know How Many Times I need To Repeat MySelf:
I Type Like This Because Every Word Is Important. Even, SomeTimes, Words WithIn Words Are ImportAnt.
[the user’s forum signature] I’ve Seen Miracles In Every Way
And I See Miracles Everyday
[the words: “Myself”, “Sometimes”, and “Within” are capitalized as “My Self”, “Some Times”, and “With In”. The last “Important” is capitalized as “Import Ant”
[fifth screenshot]
furretsshouldbesmall posted:
[a quote from another user] yeah there were shut up
furretsshouldbesmall writes: go weave a basket
[sixth screenshot] a post on the “Help” page of neoboard titled “Girls Come Here”
the author posts: I can treat you right i have 700 neo points.
[seventh screenshot]
mycritterdom2 posted: “i don’t need breakfast. my body is made of titanium steel and runs on pure rage alone.” in large red text
[eighth screenshot]
a user posts: watch this guys
the same user replies: dick butt
[ninth screenshot] a post on the “Newbies” page of neoboard titled “ppl who r religious/spiritual”
the author, nanacatl, posts: oi cunt what guides ur faith [emoticons of a green ball with a red cape and a sun]
[tenth screenshot] a post on the “Newbies” page of neoboard titled “i hate radiohead”
the author, thomnewyorke, posts: i dont like this band. i dont like the short one or the bald one. i dont like the creepy
blenke replies: if you listen to the radio your a radio head [smiley face]
thomnewyorke replies: that is not true. do not lie to me on these neopets. you are a liar.
[screenshots end]
hellyesbro replies:
how could you forget
[a screenshot of the top half of a bright green creature’s face]
[in large black text] Priority Announcement
[in smaller red text, all caps] GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY ITS ALL GONE TO SHIT
the methamphetamine epidemic has hit the squid population hard
i really doubt any major organizations are paying for bots, at least not on lemmy. we’re just not big enough methinks
if there are any it’s probably a smaller operation done by a few people max.
didn’t that have a vulnerability that let hackers remotely impregnate your wife?
no jobel just did irreparable damage to my vocabulary
“witch alps” refers to this tweet
@moreelen tweets:
What I love about Disco Elysium:
💬 Vast possiblity space due to genius feat of design. 🖋️ Writing is incredible!
What Idon’t ike about Disco Elysium:
🙄 Do we really need another grimy detective story? 👨🦳 I’m playing as a generic middle aged white man again, urgh.
@moreelen continues:
I want a game that isco Elysium’s same insanely well crafted narrative system and wonderful writing…
but it’s about a young witch trying to solve the disappearance of her neighbour’s cat in a small village in the Alps.
i believe it was bait
biblically accurate trans woman