I’m in this rule and I also don’t like it
EDIT: Also, is that the gender switch potion from Terraria? Hell yeah, that’d be cool.
same also idk i stole this meme
I’m pretty sure it is. You need every type of flower to make it, but it’s absolutely worth it ❤️
So to repeat, if my child asks for a Steam card for a gift… Should I make it a cash card instead?
It is not a code for wanting to buy girly clothes or anything as far as I am aware but I do thing that it would be a more freeing gift that’s also imposible to get wrong (cause they can use the money to buy whatever they want as the gift.)
I mean you can just ask what they want in general, steam games can be paid for with a card directly so…
also it feels nicer 🥰
Yeah i typically find steam card discounts around the holidays as a game nerd dad.
Just wasn’t sure if steam was code or something for something else! My kids are still young and tell me everything. But I know they’ll be teens one day and steam card is like code for makeup or something I dunno.
Aww that’s nice :)
I personally used the steam card gift idea until I was ready to come out, it would have been odd for me to ask my parents for estradiol on my birthday lol.
If they trust you (I have no reason to think they shouldn’t) they’ll tell you on their own(do let them know you would be ok if they came out as gay/trans it helped me a lot), I don’t think it’s a good idea to assume those kinds of things.
Have a lovely day! 💜
-> i‘m in this rule and I don’t like it
What is that molecule?
looks like estradiol, which is commonly used in feminizing hrt
I actually gave my trans kid $50 in Steam cred last birthday. This absolutely checks out.
damn what did they buy? celeste, fnv, guilty gear?
Recently they’ve been playing Cult of the Lamb. But I don’t know what they actually spent it on.
Yeah, that checks out
At least gift me something which doesn’t have drm
gog.com okay? 😊
Check out PCGamingWiki, there actually are games on Steam that are either fully DRM-free, or have DRM that can be easily circumvented.
It’s not a huge number or anything, but if someone’s using Steam anyway, might as well have a look^^
(Funnily enough, many of the games Epic has been giving away are DRM-free, too. So like, you’re not even forced to use their god awful launcher to play them. Not even to install them either, there’s Heroic for that.)
I like having a local copy of the installer which doesn’t require phoning servers.
That’s what they mean. There are many games on Steam which after downloading from Steam, you can just copy and they don’t need Steam to work. You can delete Steam and keep these games forever.
So I’d have to install some bloat, then my game, then remove the bloat?
If that’s what you’d like to do, you do you.
It’s the ideal option for sure.
But like I said, if someone has an account with these services anyway, might as well make the most out of it. I can download those games, archive them on a big ass drive somewhere, and never have to login somewhere to access them in the future.
(And then cry myself to sleep when that hard drive inevitably fails the very day I delete the account, because that’s just my luck)
what the hell do you mean? i crave steam games.
I mean videogames are fun, and I already have a very nice skirt :3
only one? that’s not enough
I am very picky… I can assure you that I am frequently patrolling the second hand shops though!
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