In some cases, the wealth might simple be gone because the stock crashes of which the bulk of the wealth is built.
In some cases, the wealth might simple be gone because the stock crashes of which the bulk of the wealth is built.
Camera lenses are also distorting?
But think of all the poor people working in advertising who will be without a job!
This artist:
You mean this:
Not where I live, we actually have a second christmas day on the 26th.
LOL. Also, it wouldn’t be my ass since I’m the donut stacker.
Depends on the thickness of the donut and the butt cheeks. So probably less than one.
People from south America aren’t Americans then?
The whole COVID made the kids dumb is just the newest excuse in a long line. Before that it were phones, computers, calculators and probably a lot more. My kids are from the new generation, and they’re doing just fine.
I’d say someone obese wouldn’t have these “rolls”. Source: I am fat.
Will look into that, thanks.
No offense taken, I am well aware.
I know, but how does it depend? I have lived trough times where the economy was called bad, and the only thing I saw was that shareholder value went down. It didn’t really effect me. The roof over my head was still mine, the food got a little more expensive for some time but not that much, and gasoline got cheaper.
I have a lot of questions. Why is this important? Do we need to be divided in Europe because of this? Actually, as a (not German) European citizen, why should I even care? Is the economy that important for me as a citizen? How does it effect my household budget? What is even the metric for the European economy?
Disclaimer, I’m Dutch, so my view is an outside view;
I don’t know if it’s their achievement. It seems to me that in the USA you can choose for the conservatives who want to keep everything as it always was, including Russia as the bad guys and Israel as the ever lasting allie. Or you can chose for the conservatives who want to install a state religion and re-install segregation. The first group wants to be a global power with reach all over the world, the last group doesn’t care for the rest of the world. With both groups the rich get richer.
It’s not. In a christofascism, not everybody suffers. People just assume they will be in the not suffering group. If a bus runs off a cliff, not so much.
This is written from an “I’m right, you’re wrong” perspective. In real life, no one is running a drive off a cliff campaign, and the guy promising ice cream may not be able to deliver.
Also, fundamentally both left and right can make the argument the other side wants to run off a cliff.
Here’s a re-enactment!