Im probably going to regret this but what is r/rule34?
Im probably going to regret this but what is r/rule34?
This post emulates information and discussion from the far right.
Proton up people. And get your people on Signal or WIRE.
We’re probably the most boring people day to day and we’ve dove it for a while on general principle. Now, it feels important to have already made that shift.
This is from 10yrs ago. Adult Swim joke skit.
More likely to be bidets.
I guess I just assumed everyone was using Firefox, except the business side of things, but then this isn’t my area. Why wouldn’t you use Firefox at home?
It gets listed as such.
A lot if left leaving journalism can get annoying, but The Atlantic is solid. I’d believe them.
I really do worry about Trumps 1A speech. He may very well go after Blue Sky in a the ways he promised, under the premise of 1A. Now these same bullies have the President in their corner, possibly wielding the DOJ on it.
There’s a reason Proud Boys and southern Oregon neo nazis show up to large Portland OR protests. The rationale is no different than what The Atlantic discusses here, even the context is the same, only shifted away from the keyboard.
Sure but most human issues involve multiple variables. Full spectrum discussion offers an even more realistic presentation of the problem. It doesn’t detract to discuss other things, it supplements.
Exactly. For a second there I thought I was on Reddit reading a response to someone with “human” in their user name.
It’s not AI, it’s a mimic. Could you see this as a Reddit post? I can. The chat bots have all absorbed 10?, maybe more, years of Reddit. And that’s just one platform. Disqus, YouTube comments, and 4/8Chan are probably in there as well. You know Facebook and Instagram are. Among others.
What in that phrasing doesn’t read like a partially digested mishmash of save the planet and fuck Boomers social media rants?
Social media style chat responses after absorbing social media TO LEARN TO TALK should be expected.
Given the source material, would anyone be able to prune all of the foulness and BS with algorithms?
Given our current education deficit, we’ve already had to import quite a bit of talent to keep up with being a first world country.
Example: when was the last time you encountered an Indian doctor?
Given the plans to make real/higher education accessible only to the wealthy, we’re going to need to import even more talent.
We did get 7 computers back by 1am last night just by constantly rebooting.
That said, 40 out of 47 never came back. So clearly something more is needed.
Also a bit how working in the office instead of from home looks like.
Screaming into the void can be therapeutic.