You sayin my man don’t pee or poo?!
A little billionaire cocktail math for you. Each billionaire emits in the neighbourhood of 1 million times more CO2 than the average person. So you streetcar just 3000 or so billionaires and that’s the equivalent of reducing the earth population by about 3 billion. Can’t really think of anything greener
Eating just one bite of billionaire meat is the most environmentally friendly thing you could ever do in your entire lifetime
Looks like you are interested in beef STROGANOFF! Thank you for confirming your subscription to beef stroganoff facts, where we send you daily fun facts about BEEF STROGANOFF! Did you know that in 1891 the French chef Charles Briere submitted a recipe for beef stroganoff to a competition sponsored by the French magazine L’ART CULINAIRE leading to the assumption that he was the inventor, but both the recipe and name existed before then!
Thank you for confirming your subscription to beef stroganoff facts, where we send you daily fun facts about BEEF STROGANOFF! Did You know that beef stroganoff is named after the STROGANOVS, a highly successful Russian family of merchants, industrialists, landowners and statesman who were prominent during the reign of IVAN the TERRIBLE?
When Lemmy was first coming online I ran an aggressive stroganoff facts subscription account, It was a lot of work but very rewarding, learned A LOT about stroganoff
The interesting thing about the scientific charts that have been used in these memes is how they often twist or oversimplify data while trying to hide Saddam Hussein to create a humorous effect. Although the scientific accuracy may be in question, please don’t let this take away from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and he fell 16 feet through an announcer’s table
Orb you glad its not beans anymore?
I couldn’t find middle management in here either