To be more precise it’s not each stream having it’s own antenna, you combine the signals from all antennas and then “spatially filter” it into separate streams, but the number of concurrent streams is limited by the minimum of the number of antennas at both ends of the connection, if your device has only one antenna and your access point has eight you can only have one data stream.
If you want to patent something globally you have to patent it in every country, and there are some things like software that aren’t patentable in some countries.
A license just tells someone what they can and can not do with something, it doesn’t protect an idea. For code it literally just protects the written code, someone could write a clean room clone, i.e. never looking at your code.
Well, most users here are former/current Reddit users, but somehow a lot of them think that it’s less toxic here.
You’re on vacation but your parents make you do stuff you don’t want to do.
I thought it was only on toast, not pizza.
The right half looks like something the Dutch would eat.
In electronic music you often slightly detune the left and right of a synthesizer to make it sound “wide”, you can’t do that in mono and if you mix the stereo down to mono it sounds boring.
Yeah, some blackberry-like devices would be nice.
Shouldn’t it be the inverse? If you build too close to a river and your land floods that’s on you.
Don’t forget to get an AA gun to eliminate the mosquito once the radar found it.
I want it, I’ll find something to do with it once I get one.
Did you get a starter kit?
Now I wonder if we could launch satellites as artificial stars for celestial navigation. Basically optical GPS.
GPS can be jammed, try jamming stars.
Spanish or French and only if you speak English. Everything else might as well not exist.
I suspect that the 30s Social Democrats of Germany were similarly irresolute (though didn’t join before they were forced to) when dealing with the Nazi threat.
The social democrats started the iron front, they fought the SA in the streets, they didn’t join them. Their party was banned and members where thrown in jail once the Nazis won.
The romans started their year in March, maybe they were on to something.
Brother Patrick should reconsider if he chose the right order.