They’re tak-ing. myyy. gills.
Formerly /u/Zalack on Reddit.
They’re tak-ing. myyy. gills.
Trigger warning if you struggle with suicidal ideation ^^
Not my favorite image ever to come across first thing in the morning
Sometimes it does feel like my diet must consist mostly of gas giants.
Definitely a case of “task failed successfully” though, because we cultivate those planets – making their continued survival all but ensured.
The thing is that I’m a very hard worker and generally really like work. My brain just doesn’t want to be awake before 10am.
Work from home is a godsend. I can work 10:30-6:30 most days and it’s great.
🎶 they paved paradise, and put up a parking lot 🎶
I’m not saying it should be illegal to release games for only one console. Obviously not every studio is going to have the bandwidth to develop for every platform, and some games will use special features of some systems.
What I’m saying is that it should be illegal for console makers to give any special incentives or preference to developers to do so artificially.
Console exclusives are anti consumer and it should be illegal for console makers to offer any incentive to developers – including studios they own – to make a game exclusive.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
Oh I see. I misunderstood the comment then. Thanks for the clarification!
Not that this isn’t scummy but my understanding is that “ransomware” refers to software that locks a user or organization out of their systems until a fee is paid, generally my encrypting the disk.
This seems like a more traditional “hack” of a system where you get in and download data. Which makes threatening them is traditional blackmail.
Holy shit this is so funny.
Now I want to run a DnD campaign where the big bad is a QAnon Dragon.
Ah, but you have seen of him.