i would immediately pay like $200+ for one of these
gendered/non-gendered mixes like that can be a little confusing at first. i’ve met folks with these chosen pronouns, and the answers i’ve gotten have ranged from “i’m happy with either” to “i’d prefer if you used both roughly the same amount”.
anecdotally, they’ve also been some of the most chill folks i’ve met when it comes to messing up their pronouns! which is wonderful for me because my brain is a pile of rotting swiss cheese that can sometimes do math ^^
oh holy shit that’s actually a great idea, i had never considered it!
there’s girls who like trains, i’ve met them! reckon sometimes they’re less vocal bc mansplaining is upsettingly common in any male dominated hobby :/
that actually sounds like a safe-ish way to do a sauna!
PSA: a large percentage of traditionally “gendered” clothing can ABSOLUTELY be pulled off by anyone. go to a thrift store and try on some clothes! if you feel good in it, you probably look good in it.
plus, just think for a second about the last time you saw someone making a bold fashion choice. regardless of how they looked, you KNOW you were at least a little jealous of their confidence.
if you wanna wear something, fucken just do it. anyone who gets all poopoo about it isn’t anyone you’d wanna be friends with anyway. live your bliss!
e: i’m realizing how wild “trying on clothes at a thrift store” sounds, i was thinking more of a specific second-hand store that does have dressing rooms. idk how common those are. whoopsie!
anytime a stellar product is released there’s a glut of shittier alternatives and replacements, sometimes from the same company even. higher ups notice REAL QUICK when they shorten their average upgrade cycle from 1-3 years to something like 5-10.
shit always loops back around to planned obsolescence. if you don’t do it, you will not succeed.
i think that’s just robins, at least in america!
always so silly to watch em skitter around.
i wish it wasn’t true bc i usually get along so well with em, but yeah just recently i’ve been seeing some whack opinions from .ml communities 😬
from my experience with dads, as long as you give more than zero fucks about your own health you’ll probably be fine. my own pops is currently dying from an entirely treatable condition bc he thought the monthly blood tests his doctor ordered were some kind of conspiracy to get his blood! :3
sometimes i think i’m closer to death than 50 :33
i’ve known of dogs who hate men and are totally cool with trans women. sometimes even really eggy ones or folks who might not even know themselves yet. it’s wild how well animals can catch a vibe.
what’s the deal with cloudflare?
all my hosting is handled through namecheap right now because i am both lazy and uneducated, BUT i’ve been looking into setting up a home server for unrelated reasons! i will absolutely be circling back to this comment ^^
nice to know they’re blacklisting burners instead of whitelisting “known” email domains at least!
if it doesn’t feel bad you’re probably fine
fair! but i do worry the term is at risk of being overused to the point of no longer having a cohesive meaning.
i deffo hate some tankies, in the same way that i deffo hate some vegetarian/vegans when they actively chase people away for seemingly no reason. sometimes though i do feel like i see more blind hate for entire communities than actual worthwhile discussion.
i guess the problem could really just come down to your definition of “tankie”. to some folks it’s a very specific kind of obvious troll, and to others it’s just anyone on an .ml instance.
and not to turn it into a “lesser evil” discussion, but between .world and .ml, i definitely know which which meme community i’m hanging out in. i’ve yet to have a single bad interaction with anyone in .ml communities, but i also don’t talk politics in fucken marxist/leninist spaces either. YMMV hahahah
i went through their comment history bc they obsessive, and holy shit. mf has posted 24 comments about blahaj in JUST the past 14 hours.