A whistling blowgun would be in the spirit of the thread. Some of history’s grandest feminists have been skilled in using poisons
apart from their literal cycle of violence in racking a pump action, shotties have a choke, and thus a tendency to perpetuate rape culture.
they can also dispense hot salty loads, come to think of it
how the hell does a frog do handwraps.
and why are you using fists when your entire body is built for doing sweet jumpkicks
I guess what I’m saying is disregard news cycles and do sweet jumpkicks
Ya just need to hammer these in with a rubber mallet and all yer problems will go away.
We’ll do it again in our lifetimes. The perennial contender Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza is waiting under the ring with a steel chair, and COVID is a hell of a tag team partner for all kinds of pathogens.
Does anyone have a solid understanding of calculus and access to the Scales of Anubis? I need to compute a Fractional 9/11s per Mooch ratio
This makes me want to replay Fallout with the Bloody Mess perk.
The edible orchids are quite pleasant if chilled, extremely gentle flavor.
Bezos is probably bitter and stringy.
Gender affirming care looks great on any vehicle. Hang a pair out of your own skirt or kilt in solidarity
Nonbinary buddies, you heard it here first: the secret to straight-passing is a big pair of truck nuts.
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I’m more grateful for paywalled Web 1.0 platforms from two decades ago than I have been in a long time. Metafilter’s FanFare section is low-volume but particularly satisfying for thoughtful movie chatter. It’s fun when bursts of comments in an old thread are years apart between a title’s theatrical release and arrival on streaming.
Trotsky schtupped Frida Kahlo, that’s a solid dub
Holy hell would I love to join the OSHA skitarii. Industrial hygiene pleases the Omnissiah.
Also, not stocking appropriately sized eyepro for anime eyes is a safety infraction
When this pizza hits 88°C you’re gonna see some serious shit…
You have a pair of tremendous reasons for wearing a respirator with P100+Nuisance Level Organic Vapor combo cartridges. Stanky jobs and not getting long COVID again are much easier having taken the ~$60 plunge and committed myself to Baneface.
This is what I use, in Large. With big eyepro I’d feel comfortable at a fucking concert with it.
Soft paddle filters are a little bit more breathable, but against stank are either these water-resistant P100+nuisanceOV hardcases for normal stank or bigger organic vapor P100 cartridges for heavy duty. Ziploc when not in use: