Teleporting away is cool rewardless of the distance
Teleporting away is cool rewardless of the distance
Reminds me of the Rush song with the lyric: “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"
Hyundai has some of the best EVs
BeyondMeat makes tasty food so I’ll allow it
Lol, I just… If you really believe that there’s facts and logic in the bible please seek some help
I’m sorry that I don’t like propaganda attached to a beloved franchise?
No, religious fanatics do not get to do this to Dragonball. Somebody take one for the team and get this taken down
Finally, an effective strategy! I’ve been waiting for years for a country to do this
It’s in the soil too, so no luck
I recently watched The Creator and I’m so glad they kept the CGI to a minimum
7x7 black
He got called out for being a pedo
Look, I understand that the sequels made the prequels look good, but that still doesn’t make any of them S tier
Charity to Africa is not about saving anything, it’s about pretending to do something good
I also live in a racist shithole and all the ones I know give a fuck about feeding their white savior complex
Racist Americans are obsessed with being White Saviors, they think about Africa all the time
Well most of the features aren’t free so I’m not too worried
Fuck yeah!