That’s around 500kg of food, or 70kg daily for a week. All you have to do is eat basically 1 body weight per day
That’s around 500kg of food, or 70kg daily for a week. All you have to do is eat basically 1 body weight per day
So the only acceptable way to communicate medical cases is in 2 sentences covering the context and final conclusion? And the only reason for that is that they happened to a real person?
It’s the viewing experience that’s the point. Would you want every murder mystery movie to be named “the killer was X”?
I assume the first event is how 4chan got started, and 4chan is where Qanon got started
Also, you know, the whole getting drafted from the job site thing
The unfortunate reality is that some groups don’t have the luxury of just living their lives. They have to speak out to get equal treatment. And then the people who aren’t allowing them that luxury in the first place also speak up against them. If the bigots would just shut the fuck up and go away, we would have no problem
Damnit, Ame