I can relate to both of them, depending on the time of day/night
20min of sun daily?! crysinscandinavian
I think its a thing here in norway as well. Thats why they just increase the price in early october, just a month ahead of black week bullcrap. Have seen plenty of electronics “super discounted” to the same price they had in september/october
I think its a thing here in norway as well. Thats why they just increase the price in early october, just a month ahead of black week bullcrap. Have seen plenty of electronics “super discounted” to the same price they had in september/october
Why would it even be weird or anything? I only use Signal and its pretty much the same as whatsapp on the outside…just in blue. The only reason people dont use it is because “eVerYonE hAs WhAtsApP” and they dont bother. 20 useless crap apps but 2 messengers is too much
This looks fantastic! Wish i could get such a nice crust/border going, mine never rises that much.