Main Account, is going to become my alt account as I’m switching to this as main
Moved to lemmy with same username from reddit
SBNR | Solarpunk, Democracy, Utopia, Post Capitalism.
Gitlab Site:
Gitlab Snippits:
I am committed to it right now but currently keeping an eye on a cyclone (hurricane for americans) to make sure it doesn’t hit land
Hoping it’ll just pass by
I do have a procrastination problem as well that I somehow need to get over
Oh and was it genki by chance that you tormented because lets just say I’m aware of there being torrents for it
You can’t learn Japanese from anime alone
If you think you can then あなたはバカ
(Please do not reply to me in Japanese because I can’t communicate it in fluently yet because I’m still learning it)
No wonder why I couldn’t read that, I was trying to read the Japanese because I’m learning it
It’s not Japanese, they really should not do that because their going to confuse a lot of bilingual folk
I don’t even live in america and get constantly bombarded with american news every time I open lemmy
There’s a time and a place for news from outside of my country but I don’t want to be bombarded with it 24/7 qnd the word filters don’t help for titles that don’t mention anything specific or are too generic
NYC = new york city
This is a translation provided for free by me because this user has defualted to american defaultism
To the person I’m replying to, THIS IS THE INTERNET, NOT america
In sorry but this really sounds like boomer-esque mindset
Why should the younger generation have to go through the struggles of the older generation when those struggles are not relevant today
I’m gen z myself and I’ve changed Windows registry settings to disable stuff like caudiolimiter and change a few other things but I only learned to do that out of necessity
Things should not be forced on people unless they want to learn them, people will only learn things they are interested in
Force them to learn something and they won’t bother actually learning it because they aren’t interested and it won’t stick
This mindset is the same thing as passing down generational trauma to a a younger generation
Gen Z are good at using tech, gen A are still learning how to use tech
Warui ga Watashi wa Yuri ja nai
The background character is a lesbian in denail though
Background image source: Warui ga Watashi wa Yuri ja nai
Yes it’s yuri, and yes I provided the source because op didn’t provide it
Comment with name only is in the replies to this comment for anyone with lemmy clients that don’t have a select text feature
I can’t not hear “the greatest technician that’s ever lived” after seeing this
I copied the wrong link from imgur
Just use a cover letter template with changeable placeholders
Well I just did, it’s on and I’m Australian
Can non Europeans sign ?
I’m desensitised to videos of people dying on the Internet but reading that made me deeply uncomfortable
There’s no rule saying I can’t pick more than one so
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8