Femboys are we going out for lunch tomorrow morning at six?
Femboys are we going out for lunch tomorrow morning at six?
Yes, we carefully select beans from a number of different producers, with our local blendmaster determining the final ratio. This ensures we are able to provide you with that consistent experience users have come to expect from the brand.
For the more adventurous palate and a true sense of terroir, I recommend something from our single origin line.
This is not the case, but I do still disagree with the “trust me bro” approach to a feature rollout that does send data your somewhere, encrypted or not.
Edit: For those interested, the reason it’s not the same as a backdoor is that the result of the computation done on HE data is itself still encrypted and readable only by the original owner. So you can effectively offload the work of a certain analysis to a server that you don’t actually trust with your keys.
Homomorphic encryption, which allows for analyzing secret data without a decryption step, is actually incredibly cool. It’s a shame the conversation will begin with the fact that they deployed the feature as on by default.
Brb strapping in for the wildest 2 years, 11 months of my life.
Thanks for posting this though. Remember folks, even the super safe drugs are only safe for their intended purpose and dose.
This is probably the worst example to choose, because in the US the generic name is acetaminophen. This is a case where the brand name actually unites understanding of a drug whose chemical name differs by location.
That being said, I still agree with the spirit, let’s stick to referring to the drug and not the brand.
How’s the current experience? Trackpad, keyboard, audio? I’m really excited for this but my only ARM Mac is work issued so I can’t take the plunge yet…
I wouldn’t even consider upvoting fewer than 6 hot dogs but you got me here.
Hmm. Maybe you were thinking about elemental mercury vs methyl mercury? That’s a case where the danger (at least through ingestion) depends greatly on the format.